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Wireless AC1750 Dual-band Gigabit Router
details, each such feature.
4.1.LAN Settings
IP Address: Device’s LAN
IP. The default is You
can change it according to your need.
Subnet Mask: Device’s LAN subnet mask.
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Wireless AC1750 Dual-band Gigabit Router
4.2.WAN Settings
There are 6 types of Internet connection: DHCP ( Dynamic IP),
PPPoE and PPPoE dual access, PPTP, L2TP and Static IP
available for your choice.
Interface: Displays the interface used currently;
Connection Status: Displays WAN current connection status:
Disconnected, Connecting or Connected.
Info: Displays the currently used Internet connection type,
gateway, IP address and subnet mask information.
1) DHCP: Select DHCP (Dynamic IP) to obtain IP Address info
automatically from your ISP. Select this option if your ISP does
not provide you with any IP info.
Internet connection Type: Displays a list of available Internet
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Wireless AC1750 Dual-band Gigabit Router
connection types.
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit. The default value
2) Static IP: Select Static IP Address if your ISP provides all the
connection info. You will need to enter the provided IP address,
subnet mask, gateway address, and DNS address(es) in
corresponding fields.
Internet connection Type: Displays a list of available Internet
connection types.
IP Address: Enter the IP address provided by your ISP.
Consult your local ISP if you are not clear.
Subnet mask: Enter the subnet mask provided by your ISP.
Consult your ISP if you are not clear.
Default Gateway: Enter the gateway address provided by
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Wireless AC1750 Dual-band Gigabit Router
your ISP. Consult your local ISP if you are not clear.
Primary/Secondary DNS Server: Enter the Primary and
Secondary DNS Server Addresses. Consult your local ISP if
you are not clear.
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit.The factory default is
3) PPPoE: Select PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet)
if your ISP uses a PPPoE connection and provides you with a
PPPoE user name and a PPPoE password. Simply enter them in
corresponding fields.
Internet connection Type: Displays a list of available Internet
connection types.
User Name: Enter the PPPoE User Name provided by your
ISP. Consult your ISP if you are not clear.
Password: Enter the PPPoE Password provided by your ISP.
Consult your ISP if you are not clear.
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Wireless AC1750 Dual-band Gigabit Router
MPPE: Select whether to enable the MPPE authentication
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit.The factory default is
4) PPTP: Select PPTP (Point-to-Point-Tunneling Protocol) if your
ISP uses a PPTP connection. The PPTP connects a router to a
VPN server. For example
A corporate branch and headquarter
can use this connection type to implement mutual and secure
access to each other’s resources.
Internet connection Type: Displays a list of available Internet
connection types.
PPTP Server: Enter the IP address of a PPTP server.


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