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Wireless AC1750 Dual-band Gigabit Router
3.1 WAN Status
This section allows you to view WAN Status, Internet Connection
Type, WAN IP, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Primary DNS Server,
Secondary DNS Server, MAC Address, WAN Traffic and
Connection Duration. It also presents you a vivid impression of
WAN traffic usage in a graph.
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Wireless AC1750 Dual-band Gigabit Router
WAN Status: Displays WAN connection status.
Cable improperly connected: Indicates that the Ethernet
cable from your ISP side is not correctly connected to the
WAN port on the Device or the Device is not logically
connected to your ISP.
Connecting: Indicates that the WAN port is correctly
connected and is requesting an IP address from your ISP.
Connected: Indicates that the router has been connected to
your ISP.
Internet Connection Type: Displays current Internet
connection type.
WAN IP: Displays WAN (Internet) IP address provided by
your ISP.
Subnet Mask: Displays WAN subnet mask provided by your
Gateway: Displays WAN gateway address provided by your
Primary DNS Server: Displays primary WAN DNS address
provided by your ISP.
Secondary DNS Server: Displays secondary WAN DNS
address (if any) provided by your ISP.
MAC Address: Displays WAN MAC address.
WAN Traffic: Displays current WAN uplink traffic and
downlink traffic.
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Wireless AC1750 Dual-band Gigabit Router
Connect: Click to renew current IP address.
Disconnect: Click to release current IP address and Internet
connection will be disconnected.
3.2 LAN Status
This section displays information of device LAN IP Address,
Subnet Mask, LAN MAC Address, DHCP Server and NAT
IP Address
Displays current LAN IP address.
Subnet Mask: Displays current LAN subnet mask.
MAC Address: Displays Device’s LAN MAC address.
DHCP Server: Displays whether DHCP server on the device
is enabled or not.
NAT Entries/NAT: Displays the number of NAT entries
already used and the number of NAT entries still available.
3.3 Wireless Status
This section displays the status of 2.4G Wireless radio and 5G
Wireless radio, Wireless MAC address, SSID, 802.11 Mode,
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Wireless AC1750 Dual-band Gigabit Router
Country, Channel and Security Mode information
Wireless Radio: Displays whether wireless is enabled or not.
Wireless MAC address: Displays the MAC address of the
Device’s wireless interface.
SSID: Displays current SSID.
802.11 Mode: Displays currently active network mode.
Country: Displays the country selected currently.
Channel: Displays the channel that device is currently
operating on.
Security Mode: Displays current security Mode.
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Wireless AC1750 Dual-band Gigabit Router
3.4 System Info
This section displays current CPU usage, memory usage, up
time, system time, connected client(s) and firmware version info.
CPU Usage: Displays current CPU usage.
Memory Usage: Displays current memory usage.
Up Time: Displays the uptime since device is powered up.
Time: Displays Device’s current system
Connected Client(s): Displays the number of currently
connected clients.
Firmware Version
Displays Device’s current firmware
Network includes the following five submenus: LAN Settings,
WAN Settings, DHCP Server, DHCP Clients, Static Assignment,
MAC Clone and Port Mode. Clicking any of them enters
corresponding interface for configuration. Below explains, in


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