Username & Password

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Updated: 7th April 2021

If you ever have to change your Wi-Fi name, set parental controls, password protecting your Wi-Fi, updating firmware etc. or any other similar task to perform, you need to login into router using login IP like This is a reserved IP. is default router gateway through which your computer can talk to outside world.

List of Routers Companies Using

Not all routers are same. Even there are differences between different models of same company. These companies are using as login IP.

List of Possible Username & Password

After extensive analysis, we have come to conclusion that these below presented router manufacturers are using as router login IP. There is a big chance your router company too, is listed amongst them. Just click the company name to view router models, router setup & configuration manuals and more.

Router Username Password
FORTINET admin (none)
INTENO admin giraff
NETGEAR (none) 1234
(none) private
admin (none)
admin 1234
admin admin
TRENDnet admin (blank)
admin admin
ZTE admin admin

Login into Your Router

Login procedure is fairly easy so much so that a kid can do that, provided that you have correct login IP (like in our case), login user name & password.

  1. Step No. 1: Go to your web browser like Internet explorer, Mozilla or Chrome. In the address bar, type (without http ://) and press Enter.

    Problem: If you got an error as you entered then click to resolve this issue.

  2. Step No. 2: A login screen will open asking for Username and Password. If you haven't changed these login credentials in past, chances are bright you have default credentials. In that case, just check for a sticker on router. Both Username & Password must be given on it.

    Problem: If you can't find sticker of any sort on router body, then don't calm down and don't start to pull your hair out in frustration. Click here to resolve this issue.

  3. Step No. 3: Now you have both login credentials. Next, enter then in respective fields and Hit Enter. And you are right there!

Problem: is not working For Me

Correct login IP can be easily found both in Windows & MAC as given below.

Retrieving Login IP in Windows

Follow the steps below to find the IP address of your home Wi-Fi Router connected to a computer running Windows 10 operating system.

  1. Click on Windows Start button, you will see this located at the left bottom corner of your computer screen (See image below).
    windows step 1
  2. Click on Settings (See above image).
  3. On the next screen, click on Network and Internet (See image below).
    windows step 3
  4. Click on Ethernet to bring up the devices that are connected to the Ethernet port of your computer. In the example below, our dedicated testing computer brought up a D-Link router connected to it.
    windows step 4
  5. Next, click on the Router name (dlink in above case) to bring up the Router Screen, providing you with all the details of your router, including its IP address.
    Typically you will see the following details for a D-Link router, assuming that it is using its default IP address.
    • IPv4 Address: 192.168.0.X
    • IPv4 DNS Servers: 192.168.0.X
    The X in above address would be any number that is allocated to your router.

Retrieving Login IP in MAC

Follow the steps below to find the IP Address of a Router connected to your MAC. The same steps are applicable whether your MAC is connected to the Router using an Ethernet cable or connected wirelessly over a Wi-Fi network.

  1. On your MAC, click on the Apple logo in the top menu bar and then click on System Preferences from the drop-down menu.
    mac step 1
  2. On the System preferences window, click on the Network option (See image below).
    mac step 2
  3. Next, click on either Wi-Fi or Ethernet option, depending on whether your MAC is connected to the Router using an Ethernet cable or connected by a Wi-Fi network.
    mac step 3
  4. You will see the Router IP address written in the form

    Note: The Router IP address can be different in your case, depending on the Router Manufacturer and model.

Similar IPs

Alongside you must also test below IPs.

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