Username & Password

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Updated: 7th April 2021 is default modem login IP for many companies including Billion, Huawei & ZyXEL (see full list below). By logging into router you can access navigation panel, manage data transaction statistics, access router setup and configuration settings and many other things like parental controls etc.

List of Routers Companies Using

Not all routers are same. Even there are differences between different models of same company. These companies are using as login IP.

List of Possible Username & Password

After extensive analysis, we have come to conclusion that these below presented router manufacturers are using as router login IP. There is a big chance your router company too, is listed amongst them. Just click the company name to view router models, router setup & configuration manuals and more.

Router Username Password
2WIRE (none) Wireless
ACTIONTEC (none) (none)
admin (none)
admin password
AZTECH admin admin
Billion (none) (none)
admin admin
BT (none) printed on router
admin admin
admin password
blank blank
Cisco (blank) (blank)
(none) cisco
(none) public/private/secret
(none) _Cisco
admin admin
HUAWEI admin admin
TMAR#HWMT8007079 (none)
user user
Linksys (none) admin
admin (none)
admin admin
Administrator admin
comcast 1234
MOTOROLA (blank) (blank)
admin motorola
cablecom router
n/a (none)
router router
MSI admin admin
unknown unknown
NETOPIA (none) (none)
admin (none)
admin noway
n/a (none)
netopia netopia
PIRELLI admin microbusiness
admin mu
admin smallbusiness
user password
PLANET (none) default
admin 1234
admin admin
admin epicrouter
Sitecom (none) sitecom
admin admin
TECHNICOLOR (leave blank) (leave blank)
TP-Link admin admin
admin ttnet
root admin
TRENDnet admin (blank)
admin admin
Zyxel (none) 1234
1234 1234
admin 1234
admin admin
n/a (none)

How to Login into Your Router

If you know three things you can log-into your modem right away; first is login IP (like as in our case), secondly, username & third is password. You are in luck if you got all three. Just go to your browser address bar and input your router IP (and that is and hit enter.

A login screen will open up asking for username and password. Just plug it up and you are all set.

However, don't yell out of frustration if you don't know any or all of these since you can resolve the issue in next 5-10 minutes. Just read below.

I Want to Login into My Router But Not Sure about Router Login IP

Ok if that is the case, it means you doubt is login IP of your router, or you have tried it earlier but it doesn't work.

There is one simple trick to find IP for Windows and MAC users.

This is How Windows Users Find their Router IP

  1. Right-click the Start button then select Command Prompt.
  2. On the Command Prompt window, enter "ipconfig" and press the [Enter].
    windows step 2
    The numbers indicated on the Default Gateway section is your router's IP Address.
    windows step 3
    If you want to access the router's web-based setup page, enter the default gateway number in the URL or Address bar of your web browser.

This is How MAC Users Find their Router Login IP

  1. Open System Preferences from the Apple menu.
  2. Click on "Network" preferences under the 'Internet & Wireless' section.
  3. Select "Wi-Fi" or whatever network interface you are connected through and click on the "Advanced" button in the lower right corner.
  4. Click on the "TCP/IP" tab from the top choices.
  5. The routers IP address is the numerical address next to "Router:" and will look something like:
    mac step

Finding Forgotten Username & Password

After finding IP, now remains username and password. If you haven't changed these in past then there is good chance you router has default settings. Just look for a sticker on modem to find both. Or, look in our default username/password list for 270+ modem companies.

However, if you had changed both or one of these then the only option left is to reset your modem using pin or paper clip. Insert it into small hole and press for at least 10 seconds. Your router has now been reset to default factory settings. Now use sticker written (sticker placed on router top or bottom) pass and username and hit enter. Hurray, you have just successfully logged into your modem!

Similar IPs

Alongside you must also test below IPs.

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