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You can setting new value for STP parameter, then click set Apply button to modify
You can change priority value, A value used to identify the root bridge.
The bridge with lowest value has the highest priority and is selected as
the root. Enter a number 1 through 65535.
Max Age
You can change Max Age value, The number of second bridge waits
without receiving Spanning-Tree Protocol configuration messages
before attempting a reconfiguration. Enter a number 6 through 40.
Hello Time
You can change Hello time value, the number of seconds among the
transmission of Spanning-Tree Protocol configuration messages. Enter a
number 1 through 10.
Delay time
You can change forward delay time, The number of seconds a port waits
before changing from its Spanning-Tree Protocol learning and listening
states to the forwarding state. Enter a number 4 through 30.
The following parameter can be configured on each port , click set Apply button to modify
Port Priority
You can make it more or less likely to become the root port, the rage is
0-255,default setting is 128
The lowest number has the highest priority.
Path Cost
Specifies the path cost of the port that switch uses to determine which port
are the forwarding ports
the lowest number is forwarding ports, the rage is 1-65535 and default
value base on IEEE802.1D
10Mb/s = 50-600 100Mb/s = 10-60 1000Mb/s = 3-10
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2.5.9. Port Mirror
The Port Mirror is a method for monitor traffic in switched networks. Traffic through ports can be
monitored by one specific port. That is, traffic goes in or out monitored ports will be duplicated into
mirror port.
1. Mirror Mode:
key to set mirror mode: Disable \Rx \Tx \Both.
2. Monitoring Port:
It’ means mirror port can be used to see all monitors port traffic. You can
connect mirror port to LAN analyzer or netxray.
3. Monitored Port:
The ports you want to monitor. All monitor port traffic will be copied to mirror
port. You can select max 25 monitor ports in the switch. User can choose which port that they
want to monitor in only one mirror mode.
If you want to disable the function, you must select monitor port to none.
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2.5.10. SNMP/Trap Manager
Any Network Management platform running the simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) can
manage the switch, provided the Management Information Base (MIB) is installed correctly on the
management station. The SNMP is a Protocol that governs the transfer of information between
management station and agent.
1. System Options
Use this page to define management stations as trap managers and to enter
SNMP community strings. User can also define a name, location, and contact person for the
switch. Fill in the system options data, and then click Apply to update the changes on this page.
: Enter a name to be used for the switch.
: Enter the location of the switch.
: Enter the name of a person or organization.
2. Community strings
serve as passwords and can be entered as one of the following:
Read only
. Enables requests accompanied by this string to display MIB-object information.
Read write
. Enables requests accompanied by this string to display MIB-object information
and to set MIB objects.
3. Trap Manager
A trap manager is a management station that receives traps, the system alerts
generated by the switch. If no trap manager is defined, no traps are issued. Create a trap manager
by entering the IP address of the station and a community string.
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2.5.11 Security Manager
On this page, user can change user name and password with following steps.
1. User name:
Type the new user name.
2. Password:
Type the new password.
3. Reconfirm password:
Retype the new password.
Click Apply.
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