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”Agent IP “setting and “Agent management” in the main menu will not show up if the agent mode is
set as “Slave”.
[Note] If any of the value is changed in this field, reboot is necessary.
2.5.2 Switch Setting Advanced
Miscellaneous Setting:
MAC Address Age-out Time:
Type the number of seconds that an inactive MAC address remains in the
switch's address table. The valid range is 300~765 seconds. Default is 300 seconds.
Max bridge transit delay bound control:
Limit the packets queuing time in switch. If enable, the
packets queued exceed will be drop. These valid values are 1sec, 2 sec, and 4 sec and off. Default is 1
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Make sure of “Max bridge transit delay bound control” is enabled before enable Delay Bound,
because Enable Delay Bound must be work under “Max bridge transit delay bound control is enabled”
Broadcast Storm Filter:
To configure broadcast storm control, enable it and set the upper threshold for
individual ports. The threshold is the percentage of the port's total bandwidth used by broadcast traffic.
When broadcast traffic for a port rises above the threshold you set, broadcast storm control becomes
active. The valid threshold value is 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and
Priority Queue Service settings:
First Come, First Serve:
The sequence of packets sent is depending on arrive orders.
All High before Low:
The high priority packets sent before low priority packets.
Weighted Round Robin. Select the preference given to packets in the switch's high-priority
queue. These options represent the number of high priority packets sent before one low
priority packet is sent. For example, 5 High
2 Low means that the switch sends 5 high-priority
packets before sending 2 low- priority packets.
Enable Delay Bound:
Limit the low priority packets queuing time in switch. Default Max Delay
Time is 255ms. If the low priority packet stays in switch exceed Max Delay
Time, it will be sent. The valid range is 1-255ms.
Qos Policy: High Priority Levels:
0~7 priority level can map to high or low queue.
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Page 23 / 128 Misc Config
Collisions Retry Forever:
– In half duplex, collision-retry maximum is 48 times and packet will be
dropped if collision still happen.
– In half duplex, if happen collision will retry forever.
Hash Algorithm:
Choose algorithms,
maintain MAC address table.
IFG Compensation:
Enable or disable inter-frame gap (IFG) compensation.
802.1x Protocol:
Enable or disable 802.1x protocol.
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2.5.3 Console Port Information
Console is a standard UART interface to communicate with Serial Port.
User can use windows HyperTerminal program to link the switch. Connect To -> Configure:
Bits per seconds: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop Bits: 1
Flow control: none
2.5.4 Port Controls
User may modify or change mode operation in this page.
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1. State:
User can disable or enable this port control.
2. Auto Negotiation:
User can set auto negotiation mode is Auto, Nway (specify the speed/duplex on
this port and enable auto-negotiation), Force of per port.
3. Speed:
User can set 100Mbps or 10Mbps speed on Port1~Port24.
User can set 1000Mbps, 100Mbps or 10Mbps speed on Port25~Port26 (depend on module card
4. Duplex:
User can set full-duplex or half-duplex mode of per port.
5. Flows control:
User can set flow control function is enable or disable in full mode.
User can set backpressure is enable or disable in half mode.
6. Rate Control:
port1 ~ port 24, supports by-port ingress and egress rate control. For example, assume
port 1 is 10Mbps, users can set its effective egress rate at 1Mbps and ingress rate at 500Kbps. Device
will perform flow control or backpressure to confine the ingress rate to meet the specified rate.
Type the port effective ingress rate. The valid range is 0 ~ 1000. The unit is 100K.
0: disable rate control.
1 ~ 1000: valid rate value
Type the port effective egress rate. The valid range is 0~1000. The unit is 100K.
0: disable rate control.
1 ~ 1000: valid rate value.
7. Port Priority:
Enable or disable the port priority function. There are two priorities (high or low)
provided if port priority is enabled.
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