Usage: wlanSet beacon [New beacon period]
The “maxass” action can set the maximun number of users that can associate the AP.
The “wepkey” action can change the WEP key.
Usage: wlanSet wepkey [keyid] [key(hex format)]
The action “wep” is for changing the WEP key length (0:disable/64 bit/128 bit).
Usage: wlanSet wep [New key length]
To disable the WEP key, type following command:
The “isolate” action can enable/disable the wireless client isolation function.
0: Disable
1: Enable
Usage: wlanSet isolate [0|1]
cmd>wlanSet maxass 20
Old Maximum Assocated Stations: 250
New Maximum Assocated Stations (after reset): 20
(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).
cmd>wlanSet wepkey 1 1122334455
CmdWlanSetKey() key 1122334455
Old Key 1: 0011223344
New Key 1: 1122334455
(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).
cmd>wlanSet wep 128
Old WEP Encryption: 64-bit
New WEP Encryption (after reset): 128-bit
(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).
cmd>wlanSet wep 0
Old WEP Encryption: 64-bit
New WEP Encryption (after reset): Disabled
(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).