set system supplicant enable [ on | off ]
Turns on the 802.1x supplicant functionality. You must set the corresponding "type" field in the WAN link to acti-
vate it:
NOS/142253966608 (top)>> set link name WAN supplicant
type (none) [ none | eap-tls ]:
priority (0) [ 0 - 7 ]:
Default is
set system supplicant dest-broadcast [ off | on ]
Mostly useful for debugging. If this is set to
, the destination MAC address FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF is used when
the supplicant sends 802.lx packets. If this is
, the EAPOL-specific destination address of 01:80:C2:00:00:03 is
used. Default is
set system supplicant eap-tls-identity
Sets the identity sent by the supplicant in response to an Identity request from an 802.1x authenticator.
set system supplicant server-cert-check [ on | off ]
If set to
, examines the certificate chain sent by an 802.1x authenticator for validation, and ensures that the root
cert of this chain is accepted by the CPE (i.e. in its trust list). Default is
set system voice-check enable [ off | on ]
When this is set to
, and a voice call is in progress when a software update is scheduled, the software update is
deferred for the
voice-check interval
until the call is completed, that is, the call state becomes “idle.” If set to
and a voice call is in progress when an update is scheduled, the call is torn down. The default is
set system voice-check interval [ 60 - 86400 ]
This specifies the interval in seconds for the device to wait before attempting a software update, when a software
update is scheduled but a voice call is in progress, when
voice-check enable
is set to
. The default is
set system voice-check max-time [ 300 - 604800 ]
This specifies the maximum time in seconds for the device to continue to attempt a scheduled software update if a
voice call is in progress and
voice-check enable
is set to
. The default is
(1 hour).
set system log buffer-size [ 4096... 65536 ]
Specifies a size for the system log. The most recent entries are posted to the beginning of the log. When the log
becomes full, the oldest entries are dropped. The default is 16384.
set system log level [ low | medium | high | alerts | failures ]
Specifies the types of log messages you want the Motorola Gateway to record. All messages with a level equal to
or greater than the level you specify are recorded. For example, if you specify set system diagnostic-level
, the diagnostic log will retain medium-level informational messages, alerts, and failure messages.
Use the following guidelines: