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357 South 670 West
Suite 160
Lindon, UT 84042
p: 801-822-5450
f: 801-822-5460
User Guide
The name of the desired Schedule
URL String:
The String you would like to filter (i.e. test, yahoo, facebook, etc)
Domains or extension suffix (i.e. .com, .biz, .org, .exe, .rar, etc.)
The configured Client Filter will only affect the devices in the
range of the specified IP Group during the schedule you have
selected. All other traffic will be allowed to pass.
If you do not want the computers with IP addresses of to (IP Group=Test) to visit HTTP websites associated with “Yahoo” from
06:00-19:00 (Schedule=work days) Monday through Friday, you would set the Client
Filter rule as follows:
This is what the created Rule will look like after clicking on “Save”
5.4.5 Bandwidth/NAT
The Bandwidth/NAT section has two submenus: Bandwidth Settings and NAT
Settings. These settings allow for the control of how much Bandwidth is available
to client devices, as well as which WAN IP Address is used for NAT on a specific
range of devices. Bandwidth Settings
Bandwidth Settings allows the control of bandwidth allocated to each device on
the network. The XBR-2300 can control the bandwidth for up to 256 individual
client devices. IP address ranges are also supported.
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© Copyright 2011 Luxul. All rights reserved. Trademarks & Registered Trademarks are property of respective holders.
Enables or Disables Bandwidth control for the specified device(s)
IP Address:
Sets the IP Address(es) for bandwidth controlled devices
Uplink Range:
Maximum upload data rate per device
Downlink Range:
Maximum download data rate per device
Uplink /Downlink Mode:
Selects whether the specified limits are to be shared
by devices in the range or if each individual device is allocated this limit
Uplink/Downlink Policy:
Selects whether or not surplus bandwidth can be used
if you choose “when the bandwidth has a surplus, you can use
more bandwidth”, the XBR-2300 will automatically manage the
upload and download flow.
Name of Bandwidth Control Rule NAT Settings
NAT Settings allow for the specification of the maximum number of NAT Table
entries created by a device or group of devices on the network. This basically limits
the number of websites a device can visit at any given time.
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357 South 670 West
Suite 160
Lindon, UT 84042
p: 801-822-5450
f: 801-822-5460
User Guide
Starting IP Address/Ending IP Address:
Enter the IP address range you would
like to control
Select the NAT Setting control type (Independent or Shared)
Independent: Takes effect on each IP address and controls the maximum NAT
entries of each device
Shared: Takes effect on the whole IP group and controls the total entries of
the devices within the IP group
NAT Connection Limit:
Indicates the maximum NAT entries allowed. This can be
a range from 1 to 9999
Enables the NAT Connection Limit function
In order for the new NAT Settings to take effect, the XBR-2300
must be rebooted .
5.5 Security
The Security section consists of the following submenus:
5.5.1 MAC Filter
5.5.2 ARP Defense
5.5.3 WAN Attack Defense
5.5.4 LAN Attack Defense
5.5.5 IP-MAC Binding
5.5.6 Attack List
5.5.1 MAC Filter
The XBR-2300 has the ability to limit Internet access by MAC Address. This function
can be used to block unknown devices from accessing the Internet.
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© Copyright 2011 Luxul. All rights reserved. Trademarks & Registered Trademarks are property of respective holders.
Internet Access:
Enable or Disable the Internet Access of a specified device
Disable: Blocks the MAC Address listed from connecting to the Internet
Enable: Allows the MAC Address listed access to the Internet
Name of the MAC Address filter (user defined)
The MAC Address of the device to be filtered
The Start and End time of the rule. The default value is 000-2400 hours
Selects the days of the week the filter should be in effect
5.5.2 ARP Defense
This function helps prevent ARP attacks and cheats. To protect the network, the
ARP defense is enabled by default within the XBR-2300. The default ARP broadcast
interval is one second and can be set from 1-60 seconds.
5.5.3 WAN Attack Defense
The XBR-2300 can block the following primary types of attacks: Scan Attacks, DoS
Attacks, Suspicious Packets, Packets Containing IP Options and Other Attacks (i.e.
Shockwave, Sasser, and other Viruses).
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357 South 670 West
Suite 160
Lindon, UT 84042
p: 801-822-5450
f: 801-822-5460
User Guide
Scan Attacks Defense
IP Scan:
A source IP sends ICMP request packets to 10 different destination IP
addresses within the defined time limit. The XBR-2300 drops all ICMP requests
once the limit is reached
Port Scan:
A source IP sends TCP SYN request packets to 10 different ports of
one destination address within the defined time limit. The XBR-2300 drops all
request packets once the limit is reached
IP Cheat:
Attempts to block LAN devices using an Internet Proxy to bypass
access restrictions.
This function takes effect on LAN ports
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks Defense
ICMP Flood:
If ICMP request packets exceed the specified limit, all ICMP
traffic will be blocked
UDP Flood:
If UDP packets exceed the specified limit, all UDP traffic will
be blocked
SYN Flood:
If TCP SYN packets targeted to a specific IP Address exceed the
specified limit, all TCP SYN requests will be blocked
LAND Attack:
When enabled, the XBR-2300 will attempt to drop all traffic
that matches the following definition: SYN packets that include the device’s IP
address as both the source and destination IP address


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