D-Link DCS-1130 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Enable UPnP:
Universal Plug & Play (UPnP) allows Windows PCs to find
this camera under “Network Neighborhood” without configuration.
Enable UPnP port forwarding:
If your router supports UPnP, this will
allow the camera to communicate which ports the camera needs to access
the Internet so that the router can forward those ports automatically. This
will enable you to access your camera over the Internet without having to
configure your camera and router manually.
Enable PPPoE:
If you are using a PPPoE connection, enable it and enter
User Name
for your PPPoE account. You can get this
information from your Internet service provider (ISP).
HTTP Port:
This is the port that allows the user to connect to the camera’s
user interface. By default the port is set to 80. You may change the port
number if using multiple cameras.
RTSP Port:
This is the port that you use for RTSP streaming to mobile devices or PDAs. By default the port is set to
554. You may change the port number if using multiple cameras.
You MUST also set up your router/gateway for Port Forwarding/Mapping; this will enable remote viewing
of your camera via the Internet. Please refer to your router’s instruction manual on how to open up ports. For
additional help on configuring your camera to work with your router, please refer to
Appendix A:
Installing the
DCS-1130 on a Router Without UPnP
on page 39. For installing multiple cameras, ONE port per camera must be
opened on your router, the Web server (HTTP) port. Also, some browsers may restrict some ports, such as 1 or 22, for
security purposes. If you have problems accessing your camera through HTTP, try using a port higher than 1024.
After making any changes, click the
Save Settings
button to save your changes, or click the
Don’t Save Settings
button to discard your changes.