Billion BiPAC 7402NX(L) 802.11n 3G/ADSL2+ (VPN) Firewall Router
Chapter 4: Configuration
Mail Alert
Mail alert is designed to keep system administrator or other relevant personnels alerted of any
unexpected events that might have occured to the network computers or server for monitoring efficiency.
With this alert system, appropriate solutions may be tackled to fix problems that may have arisen so that
the server can be properly maintained.
SMTP Server:
Enter the SMTP server that you would like to use for sending emails.
Enter the username of your email account to be used by the SMTP server.
Enter the password of your email account.
Sender’s Email:
Enter your email address.
Recipient’s Email (Failover / Failback):
Enter the email address that will receive the alert message
once a computer / network server failover occurs.
Recipient’s Email (WAN IP Change Alert):
Enter the email address that will receive the alert message
once an WAN IP change has been detected.