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Especially effective firewalls go even further, analyzing and
evaluating the contents of the packets and filtering them
according to prescribed rules. Such techniques are includ-
ed in a Stateful Packet Inspection Firewall, for instance.
The firmware is saved in programmable components within
a device. Through the possibility of updating the firmware
by computer at any time, manufacturers enjoy great flexibil-
ity in reacting to the demands of the operational environ-
ment, integrating new functions requested by customers,
and eliminating errors discovered after production.
Fixed IP address
Fixed IP addresses are IP addresses which are permanently
assigned to a computer or another device like a network
Assigning fixed IP addresses makes sense in cases where a
local network has a sufficiently large pool of IP addresses
available, or when a computer is always supposed to be ac-
cessible at a certain address (such as a web server or an e-
mail server).
abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol
The File Transfer Protocol allows files to be exchanged be-
tween two computers operating in the Internet. Data ex-
change takes place via an FTP server and what is known as
an FTP client. The more convenient FTP clients are available
as stand-alone software or are components of some ISDN
data transfer software; simple FTP clients are now included
in many web browsers.
Gateway is a general term designating an interface between
two computer networks. Such a network interface can be
realized using a router or a bridge, for instance.
If a computer wants to transfer data packets to a computer
in another network, it must first transmit the packet to the
gateway. To do this, the computer must know the address
of the gateway.
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If all packets that cannot be delivered in a local network al-
ways are to be transmitted to their given recipients via the
same gateway, for this purpose the address of the gateway
must be saved as the default gateway in the network con-
figuration of the computer.
Such a default gateway for the computer is negotiated auto-
matically by the operating system or the dialing software
whenever an ISDN-Controller or DSL-Controller establishes
a connection to the Internet. If a router is used for the
shared Internet access in a local network, the IP address of
the router must be entered as the default gateway in the
TCP/IP configuration of each computer that wishes to use
the Internet connection. If the TCP/IP configuration is per-
formed by means of a DHCP server, there is no need to en-
ter the gateway address manually.
abbreviation for Internet Protocol
The IP Internet Protocol is the most important basic proto-
col for the control of data exchange in local networks and in
the Internet. The Internet protocol works without a connec-
tion; in other words, data packets are transmitted from the
sender to the recipient without previous consultation. The
addresses of the recipient and the sender in the data pack-
ets are given as IP addresses.
IP address
abbreviation for Internet Protocol address
In IP-based networks, for instance in the Internet and local
networks, all connected devices are addressed via their IP
addresses. So that data packets are sure to be delivered to
the right address, each IP address may be assigned only
once within the Internet or a local IP network.
The IP address consists of four three-digit groups of num-
bers (for instance, Each group of num-
bers can assume values between 000 and 255.
Every IP address contains two components: the network ad-
dress and the host address. These two components can be
read out of an IP address only if the subnet mask is also
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IP addresses can be public or private, and also fixed or as-
signed dynamically. See the corresponding entries in the
glossary for more information.
IP addressing
Addressing is one of the main functions of the Internet Pro-
tocol (IP). Internet addresses can be written in decimal, oc-
tal or hexadecimal notation. The FRITZ!Box uses “dotted-
decimal” notation: The four bytes of an address are repre-
sented by decimal numbers separated by dots. The total
volume of Internet addresses, the address space, is sepa-
rated into classes (A, B, C, D, and E). The full set of IP ad-
dresses, called the address space, is grouped into address
classes designated as A, B, C, D and E. Only the first three
of these five address classes are actually used. These
classes can be described as follows:
Properties of IP Address Classes
Every IP address consists of two parts: the network address
and the host address. The sizes of the network address and
the host address are variable, and determined by the first
four bits (of the first byte) of the IP address.
IP masquerading
By means of IP masquerading a computer or LAN can be
protected from unauthorized connection request from the
Internet. Masquerading works by converting the IP address-
es used in a network to one public IP address. From the out-
side it appears that all requests are sent from a single com-
Network Address,
Decimal Value
Class A ad-
Few networks, many hubs
Class B ad-
Intermediate distribution of
networks and hubs
Class C ad-
Many networks, few hubs
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IP network
A network in which data exchange takes place on the basis
of the Internet Protocol is called an IP network.
So that a single network connection on a connection can be
used by multiple applications to exchange data with re-
mote sites at the same time, a computer administers what
are known as ports for the IP-based protocols TCP and UDP.
Ports substantiate the point of access for the data packets
delivered via the IP Internet protocol. While the IP address
determines the destination computer quite generally, the
port addresses the communication interface provided by
an application for a certain communication procedure.
The Internet protocol allots 16 bits for the specification of
the port number. Thus a total of 65,535 different port num-
bers can be specified. Ports up to port number 1,024 are re-
served for special system applications and typical Internet
applications. These include, for instance, the port numbers
21 for FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 25 for SMTP (Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol), 53 for DNS (Domain Name Service) and
80 for HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
Ports are primarily of interest to users for their role in pro-
tecting an Internet connection from external attacks. Most
firewalls offer the possibility of preventing data traffic on
certain ports. This means that certain port numbers can be
blocked to prevent data from being delivered to system ser-
vices. This is also a way of preventing any Trojans (mali-
cious applications opening backdoors on a computer) that
may have infected your computer from receiving data on
ports it created as means of accessing your computer for
potentially damaging activities. A firewall blocks most atyp-
ical port numbers not required for normal operation of an
application and offers specialized users the opportunity to
forward specified ports.
Port forwarding
With port forwarding it is possible to specify ports that will
allow all incoming or outgoing data packets to pass through
a router or firewall.
If a computer from the local network offers server services,
for instance, the configuration of a router using NAT or IP
masquerading must forward the port used by the server
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service for access to incoming data packets and thus keep
it open permanently. The private IP address of the given
computer must be saved as the destination address for all
of the packets arriving at the port.
Typical server applications which require port forwarding
are FTP and Web servers. To allow access to a computer via
remote management software like Symantec’s pcAnywhere
or Microsoft’s Remote Desktop, or even use of a file-sharing
program like eDonkey, the required ports must be released
for port forwarding. Port forwarding settings for the most
important application cases are quite simple as long as the
settings of the router or the firewall already contain rules
with a corresponding preconfiguration.
Private IP
Private IP addresses are used for computers and other net-
work devices within local IP networks.
Since many local IP networks are not connected to the In-
ternet except via single computers or routers (gateway), cer-
tain address ranges are excluded from the publicly availa-
ble IP addresses so that they are available for assignment
in local IP networks. An IP address may only be assigned
once within the local network. A private IP address may ex-
ist in any number of other local networks.
Public IP
A public IP address is an IP address valid in the Internet. Ev-
ery computer or router participating in the Internet must
have a uniquely assigned public IP address. This address is
usually negotiated dynamically with the Internet Service
Provider when a connection to the Internet is dialed. The In-
ternet Service Provider assigns the negotiated IP address to
the computer or router for the duration of an Internet ses-
A local IP network can consist of one subnetwork or be di-
vided into multiple subnetworks. The division into subnet-
works is performed when the local IP network is configured.
The subnetworks of a local IP network are also IP networks.


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