Chapter 3
Wireless Settings
SSID Guest
Enable or disable this option, which activates the Gateway’s ability to host a guest
SSID, by clicking in the appropriate radio button. Setting up a guest SSID allows
the user to provide a separate network on the Gateway that can access the Internet,
but does not allow access to devices (printers, other computers, etc.) connected
to the Gateway’s main network. Guest SSID networks are usually created to allow
temporary access to the Internet to one-time users.
SSID Broadcast
Click in the Enable radio button to activate SSID broadcasting, which allows any
computer searching for available wireless networks to detect this network (how-
ever, if this network is protected with some form of wireless security, they will not
be able to join the network unless they know the security password). Clicking in
the Disable radio button turns off SSID broadcasting.
If applicable, enter the name of the Gateway’s wireless network in this text box.
There are four choices available in this drop-down list:
This form of wireless security is the default setting on the Gateway. When select-
ed, you can select the WPA Type (WPA orWPA2-Personal, WPA Personal, or
WPA2-Personal), Encryption Type (AES, TKP, or Both), and whether to use the
Gateway’s automatically generated default key/passphrase, or create one of your
own, then click
to save your changes.