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System Maintenance & Information
Chapter 18
System Maintenance & Information
This chapter leads you through SMT menus 24.8 to 24.11.
18.1 Command Interpreter Mode
The Command Interpreter (CI) is a part of the main router firmware. The CI provides much of the same
functionality as the SMT, while adding some low-level setup and diagnostic functions. The CI can be
entered from the SMT by selecting menu 24.8. Access can be either by Telnet or by a serial connection to
the console port, although some commands are only available with a serial connection. See the included
CD or the web site for more detailed information on CI commands. Enter 8 from
Menu 24 -
System Maintenance
. A list of valid commands can be found by typing
at the command
prompt. Type “exit” to return to the SMT main menu when finished.
Figure 18-1 Command Mode in Menu 24
Menu 24 - System Maintenance
1. System Status
2. System Information and Console Port Speed
3. Log and Trace
4. Diagnostic
5. Backup Configuration
6. Restore Configuration
7. Firmware Update
8. Command Interpreter Mode
9. Call Control
10. Time and Date Setting
11. Remote Management Setup
Enter Menu Selection Number:
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System Maintenance & Information
Figure 18-2 Valid Commands
18.2 Call Control Support
The Prestige provides two call control functions: budget management and call history. Please note that this
menu is only applicable when
is set to
in menu 4 or menu 11.1.
The budget management function allows you to set a limit on the total outgoing call time of the Prestige
within certain times. When the total outgoing call time exceeds the limit, the current call will be dropped
and any future outgoing calls will be blocked.
Call history chronicles preceding incoming and outgoing calls.
To access the call control menu, select option 9 in menu 24 to go to
Menu 24.9 - System Maintenance -
Call Control
, as shown in the next table.
Figure 18-3 Call Control
Menu 24.9 - System Maintenance - Call Control
1. Budget Management
2. Call History
Enter Menu Selection Number:
Copyright (c) 1994 - 2002 ZyXEL Communications Corp.
ras> ?
Valid commands are:
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System Maintenance & Information
18.2.1 Budget Management
Menu 24.9.1 shows the budget management statistics for outgoing calls. Enter 1 from
Menu 24.9 - System
Maintenance - Call Control
to bring up the following menu.
Figure 18-4 Budget Management
The total budget is the time limit on the accumulated time for outgoing calls to a remote node. When this
limit is reached, the call will be dropped and further outgoing calls to that remote node will be blocked.
After each period, the total budget is reset. The default for the total budget is 0 minutes and the period is 0
hours, meaning no budget control. You can reset the accumulated connection time in this menu by entering
the index of a remote node. Enter 0 to update the screen. The budget and the reset period can be configured
in menu 11.1 for the remote node.
Table 18-1 Budget Management
Remote Node
Enter the index number of the remote node you
want to reset (just one in this case)
Connection Time/Total
This is the total connection time that has gone
by (within the allocated budget that you set in
menu 11.1.
5/10 means that 5
minutes out of a total
allocation of 10
minutes have lapsed.
Elapsed Time/Total
The period is the time cycle in hours that the
allocation budget is reset (see
menu 11.1.) The
elapsed time is the time used up within this
0.5/1 means that 30
minutes out of the 1
hour time period has
Enter “0” to update the screen or press [ESC] to return to the previous screen.
Menu 24.9.1 - Budget Management
Remote Node
1. ChangeMe
Connection Time/Total Budget
No Budget
Elapsed Time/Total Period
No Budget
Reset Node (0 to update screen):
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System Maintenance & Information
18.2.2 Call History
This is the second option in
Menu 24.9 - System Maintenance - Call Control
. It displays information
about past incoming and outgoing calls. Enter 2 from
Menu 24.9 - System Maintenance - Call Control
bring up the following menu.
Figure 18-5 Call History
Table 18-2 Call History Fields
Phone Number
The PPPoE service names are shown here.
This shows whether the call was incoming or outgoing.
This is the transfer rate of the call.
This is the number of calls made to or received from that telephone
This is the length of time of the longest telephone call.
This is the length of time of the shortest telephone call.
This is the total length of time of all the telephone calls to/from that
telephone number.
Enter “0” to update the screen or press [ESC] to return to the previous screen.
Menu 24.9.2 - Call History
Phone Number
Enter Entry to Delete(0 to exit):
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System Maintenance & Information
18.3 Time and Date Setting
Time and Date Setting is a software mechanism to set the time manually or get the current time and date
from an external server when you turn on your Prestige. Menu 24.10 allows you to update the time and date
settings of your Prestige.
The real time is then displayed in
the Prestige error logs and firewall logs. If you
do not choose a time service protocol that your timeserver will send when you turn on the Prestige, then
you can enter the time manually but each time the system is booted, the time and date will be reset to
2000/01/01 00:00:00.
Select menu 24 in the main menu to open
Menu 24 - System Maintenance
, as shown next.
Figure 18-6 Menu 24 — System Maintenance
Then enter 10 to go to
Menu 24.10 - System Maintenance - Time and Date Setting
to update the time
and date settings of your Prestige as shown in the following screen.
Menu 24 - System Maintenance
1. System Status
2. System Information and Console Port Speed
3. Log and Trace
4. Diagnostic
5. Backup Configuration
6. Restore Configuration
7. Upload Firmware
8. Command Interpreter Mode
9. Call Control
10. Time and Date Setting
11. Remote Management Setup
Enter Menu Selection Number:


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