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Handle your device carefully. Do not drop, bend or
strike it. Otherwise your device will be damaged.
No dismantling by non-professionals and only quali
fied technicians can undertake repair work.
Operating temperature range of 0°C ~ +35°C and hu
midity range of 5% ~ 95% are recommended.
Using Battery
Do not short-circuit the battery, as this can cause ex
cessive heat and fire.
Do not store battery in hot areas or dispose of it in a
fire to avoid explosion.
Do not disassemble or modify the battery.
When not using the battery for a long period, remove
it from your device and store it in a cool dry place.
Never use any charger or battery damaged or worn
Return the wear-out battery to the provider or put it in
the appointed recycle place. Do not put it in familial
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If the battery is broken, keep away from it.
If it taints your skin, wash your skin with abundant fresh
water and ask doctor help if necessary.
Limited Warranty
This warranty does not apply to defects or errors in
the Product caused by:
i. Reasonable abrasion.
ii. End User’s failure to follow ZTE’s installation,
operation or maintenance instructions or proce-
iii. End User’s mishandling, misuse, negligence, or
improper installation, disassembly, storage, ser-
vicing or operation of the Product.
iv. Modifications or repairs not made by ZTE or a
ZTE-certified individual.
v. Power failures, surges, fire, flood, accidents, ac
tions of third parties or other events outside ZTE’
s reasonable control.
vi. Usage of third-party products, or usage in con
junction with third-party products provided that
such defects are due to the combined usage.
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vii. Any other cause beyond the range of normal us
age intended for the Product.
End User shall have no right to reject or return the Prod
uct, or receive a refund for the Product from ZTE under
the above-mentioned situations.
This warranty is End User’s sole remedy and ZTE’s
sole liability for defective or nonconforming items, and
is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed, implied or
statutory, including but not limited to the implied war
ranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose, unless otherwise required under the manda
tory provisions of the law.
Limitation of Liability
ZTE shall not be liable for any loss of profits or indirect,
special, incidental or consequential damages resulting
from or arising out of or in connection with using of this
product, whether or not ZTE had been advised, knew or
should have known of the possibility of such damages,
including, but not limited to lost profits, interruption of
business, cost of capital, cost of substitute facilities or
product, or any downtime cost.
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Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It
is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio
waves recommended by international guidelines. These
guidelines were developed by the independent scientific
organization ICNIRP and include safety margins designed
to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age
and health.
The guidelines use a unit of measurement known as Spe
cific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile
devices is 2.0 W/kg and the highest SAR value for this
device when tested was 0.810 W/kg. As mobile devices
offer a range of functions, they can be used in other posi-
tions, such as on the body.
As SAR is measured utilizing the device’s highest trans
mitting power, the actual SAR of this device while operat
ing is typically below that indicated above. This is due
to automatic changes to the power level of the device to
ensure it only uses the minimum power required to com
municate with the network.
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Suggested Solution
Can not estab-
lish the USB
between your
device and PC.
You need to install the software.
Run the installation program in path
My Computer > O2PocketHot-
If the driver of your device is abnor
mal, please reinstall the software.
You need to uninstall the software
Can not es-
tablish the Wi-
Fi connection
between your
device and cli
Make sure the Wi-Fi function is ac
Refresh network list and select the
correct SSID.
Check the IP address to make sure
your client can obtain an IP ad
dress automatically in the Internet
protocol (TCP/IP) properties.
Type the correct network key (Wi-
Fi password) when you connect to
the device.


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