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Security Settings
a. Mixed WEP
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is an encryption method used to protect your
wireless data communications. WEP uses a combination of 64-bit or 128-bit keys
to provide access control to your network and encryption security for every data
Default Key:
You can set up to four sets of WEP key, and you can decide
which key is being used by default here.
WEP Key1, 2, 3, 4:
Input WEP key characters here, the number of
characters must be the same as the number displayed at “Key Format” field.
You can use any alphanumerical characters (0-9, a-z, and A-Z) if you select
“ASCII” key format, and if you select “Hex” as key format, you can use
characters 0-9, a-f, and A-F. You must enter at least one encryption key
here, and if you entered multiple WEP keys, they should not be same with
each other.
b. WPA-Personal
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is an advanced security standard. It uses TKIP
and AES to change the encryption key frequently.
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WPA Algorithms:
Select one encryption type, AES, TKIP or TKIP&AES.
Pass Phrase:
Enter the key which must have 8-63 ASCII characters.
Key Renewal Interval:
Specifies the timer the WPA key must changes.
The change is done automatically between the server and the client.
c. WPA2-Personal
The WPA2 is a stronger version of WPA.
WPA Algorithms:
Select one encryption type, AES, TKIP or TKIP&AES.
Pass Phrase:
Enter the key which must have 8-63 ASCII characters.
Key Renewal Interval:
Specifies the timer the WPA key must changes.
The change is done automatically between the server and the client.
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d. Mixed WPA/WPA2-Personal
WPA Algorithms:
Select one encryption type, AES, TKIP or TKIP&AES.
Pass Phrase:
Enter the key which must have 8-63 ASCII characters.
Key Renewal Interval:
Specifies the timer the WPA key must changes.
The change is done automatically between the server and the client.
To improve security level, do not use those words which can be found in a
dictionary or too easy to remember! Wireless clients will remember the WEP key, so
you only have to input the WEP key on wireless client once, and it’s worth to use
complicated WEP key to improve security level.
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Advanced Settings
ZSR4154WE provides some advanced control of wireless parameters, if you
want to configure these settings, please click “Wireless” menu on the left of web
management interface, then click “Advanced Settings”, and the following
message will be displayed on your web browser:
BG Protection Mode:
Default mode is Auto. It is for 11b/g wireless client
to connect 11n wireless network smoothly in a complicated wireless area.
Basic Data Rates:
For different requirement, you can select one of the
suitable Basic Data Rates. Default value is (1-2-5.5.-11Mbps…). It is
recommended not to modify this value.
Beacon Interval:
Set the beacon interval of wireless radio. Default value is
100. It is recommended not to modify this value.
Fragment Threshold:
The fragmentation threshold defines the maximum
transmission packet size in bytes. The packet will be fragmented if the
arrival is bigger than the threshold setting. The default size is 2346 bytes.
It is recommended not to modify this value.
RTS Threshold:
RTS stands for “Request to Send”. This parameter controls
what size data packet the frequency protocol issues to RTS packet. The
default value of the attribute is 2346. It is recommended not to modify this
value in SOHO environment.
TX Power:
Set the output power of wireless radio. The default value is 100.
WMM Capable:
It will enhance the data transfer performance of
multimedia data when they’re being transferred over wireless network. It is
recommended to enable this option.
APSD Capable:
It is used for auto power-saved service. The default is
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WPS Settings
Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) is the simplest way to build connection between
wireless network clients and ZSR4154WE. You don’t have to select encryption
mode and input a long encryption passphrase every time when you need to
setup a wireless client, you only have to press a button on wireless client and
this wireless router, and the WPS will do the rest for you.
WPS Settings:
To enable or disable WPS function, default setting is Diable.
WPS Mode:
Supports two ways to configure WPS settings:
PBC) and PIN code.
(Push-Button Configuration)
If you want to use PBC, you have to
push a specific button on the wireless client to start WPS mode, and
switch ZSR4154WE to WPS mode too. You can push WPS button of
ZSR4154WE, or click
button in the web configuration interface to
enable WPS
Press WPS button of ZSR4154WE for one second and WPS indicator will
blinking for 2 minutes. During the blinking time, you can enable another Router to
implement the WPS/PBC negotiation between them. At present, the WPS only
support one client access. Two minutes later, the WPS indicator will be off.


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