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I typed in my Internet Browser's Address Bar, but an error message says
“The page cannot be displayed.” How can I get into the TEW-635BRM's web configuration
Kontrollige veelkord üle riistvara seaded, järgides osa 2 juhiseid.
2. Veenduge, et Power, LAN ja WLAN tuled põlevad.
3. Veenduge, et TCP/IP seaded on seatud
Obtain an IP address automatically
(vaadake alltoodud punkte).
4. Algseadistage TEW-635BRM.
TEW-635BRM algseadistamiseks võtke
nõel või
kirjaklamber ja vajutage traadita modemi tagaküljel asuvat reset nuppu 15 sekundit.
Seejärel laske lahti.
Windows Vista
Windows XP/2000
Control Panel
, klikkige
Network and
, klikkige
Network and Sharing
, klikkige
Manage Network
ja seejärel paremklikkige
Area Connection
ikoonil ja siis klikkige
Control Panel
, topeltklikkige
ikoonil ja seejärel paremklikkige
Local Area Connection
ikoonil ja klikkige
Internet Protocol Version
ja seejärel klikkige
Seejärel klikkige
Obtain an IP address
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
ja seejärel
Seejärel klikkige
an IP address automatically.
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The Modem does not auto-detect my DSL connection.
What should I do?
Verify that your DSL account is activated.
Make sure all the cables are properly connected (see Section 2).
In Section 3, select manual selection in the Setup Wizard and configure the Modem based
on information provided by your ISP.
All the settings are correct, but I cannot make a wireless connection to the Modem.
should I do?
Double check that the Wireless LED on the Modem is lit.
Verify that the antenna is connected to the Modem.
Power cycle the Modem.
Unplug the power to the Modem.
Wait 15 seconds, then plug
the power back in.
Contact the manufacturer of your wireless network adapter.
Make sure the wireless
network adapter is configured with the proper SSID.
The default SSID of the
TEW-635BRM is
If you have enabled any encryption on the Access Point,
make sure to configure the wireless network adapter with the name encryption key.
I forgot my login password.
What should I do?
Take a pin or paperclip and press the reset button on the back of the Wireless Modem for 15
Then let go.
This will return all settings to factory default. The default user name
and password is admin.
What if the DSL and Internet lights does not light up correctly. What should I do?
1. Reset the unit by takeinga pin or paperclip and press the reset button on the back of the
Wireless Modem for 15 seconds.
2. Power cycle the Modem.
Unplug the power to the Modem.
Wait 15 seconds, then plug
the power back in.
If you still encounter problems or have any questions regarding the
please contact
TRENDnet's Technical Support Department.
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The following are some general wireless tips to help minimize the impact of interference within an
Assign your network a unique SSID
Do not use anything that would be identifying like “Smith Family Network”. Choose
something that you would easily identify when searching for available wireless networks.
Do not turn off the SSID broadcast
The SSID broadcast is intended to be on and turning it off can cause connectivity issues.
The preferred method of securing a wireless network is to choose a strong form of encryption
with a strong and varied encryption key.
Change the channel
Most wireless access points and routers are defaulted to channel 6.
If you have a site survey
tool that will display the channels you can plan your channel selection around neighboring
access points to minimize interference from them.
If your site survey tool does not display
the channel try using channels 1 or 11.
Change the channel bandwidth
If you are using an 802.11n router or access point you can also make the following changes.
Change the channel bandwidth to 20/40MHz.
This will provide the highest possible
performance using an 802.11n device.
Also, if using 802.11n you should be securing the
network with WPA2 security.
Avoid stacking hardware on top of each other to prevent overheating issues
Maintain enough free space around the hardware for good ventilation and airflow.
should also be plenty of free space around the antennas to allow the wireless signal to
Please also make sure that the wireless hardware is not placed in any type of
shelving or enclosures.
There are a number of other environmental factors that can impact the range of wireless
1. Adjust your wireless devices so that the signal is traveling in a straight path, rather than at
an angle.
The more material the signal has to pass through the more signal you will lose.
Note: after setting up the SSID, encryption type and encryption key/passphrase, please
make a note of them for future reference. You will need this information to connect your
wireless computers to the wireless router/access point.
Due to Wi-Fi certification considerations if you choose WEP, WPA or WPA2-TKIP
encryption this device may operate in legacy wireless mode (802.11b/g).
You may not get
802.11n performance as these forms of encryption are not supported by the 802.11n
Wireless Tips
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Keep the number of obstructions to a minimum. Each obstruction can reduce the range of
a wireless device.
Position the wireless devices in a manner that will minimize the amount
of obstructions between them.
Building materials can have a large impact on your wireless signal. In an indoor
environment, try to position the wireless devices so that the signal passes through less
dense material such as dry wall.
Dense materials like metal, solid wood, glass or even
furniture may block or degrade the signal.
Antenna orientation can also have a large impact on your wireless signal. Use the wireless
adapter's site survey tool to determine the best antenna orientation for your wireless
Interference from devices that produce RF (radio frequency) noise can also impact your
signal. Position your wireless devices away from anything that generates RF noise, such
as microwaves, HAM radios, Walkie-Talkies and baby monitors.
Any device operating on the 2.4GHz frequency will cause interference. Devices such as
2.4GHz cordless phones or other wireless remotes operating on the 2.4GHz frequency
can potentially drop the wireless signal.
Although the phone may not be in use, the base
can still transmit wireless signals.
Move the phone's base station as far away as possible
from your wireless devices.
If you are still experiencing low or no signal consider repositioning the wireless devices or installing
additional access points.
The use of higher gain antennas may also provide the necessary
coverage depending on the environment.
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