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Wireless-N Broadband Router
Wireless Access Control
To secure your wireless LAN, the wireless access
control is actually based on the MAC address
MAC Address Filter:
If you want to access the
Router from any external IP Address, please
select the “Disable”.
MAC Address:
To specify an external IP
address, please add the MAC address manually
and click “Add”.
MAC Address List:
The added MAC addresses
are listed here. Click “Delete” to delete the filter
management for this MAC address.
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Wireless-N Broadband Router
Wireless Connection Status
This page is to show the current wireless access
status. Click “Refresh” to update the wireless
connection information.
MAC Address:
Shows the connecting PC’s MAC address.
displays the channel bandwidth of
the host to be connected.
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Wireless-N Broadband Router
Chapter 7: DHCP Server
DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)
is to
assign an IP address to the computers on the
LAN/private network. When you enable the
DHCP Server, the DHCP Server will allocate
automatically an unused IP address from the IP
address pool to the requesting computer in
premise of activating “Obtain an IP Address
Automatically”. So specifying the starting and
ending address of the IP Address pool is needed.
DHCP Server:
Activate the checkbox to enable
DHCP server.
IP Address Start/End:
Enter the range of IP
address for DHCP server distribution.
Lease Time:
The length of the IP address lease.
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Wireless-N Broadband Router
DHCP Server List
The Static IP assignment is to add a specifically
static IP address to the assigned MAC address.
You can view the related information in the
DHCP server list.
IP Address:
Enter one IP address for the
computer on the LAN network.
MAC Address:
Enter the MAC address of the
computer you want to assign the above IP
address. Click “Add” to add the entry in the list.
The name of the computer which
is added a new IP address.
Lease Time:
The time length of the
corresponding IP address lease.
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Wireless-N Broadband Router
Chapter 8: Virtual Server
Single Port Forwarding
The W302R can be configured as a virtual server
on behalf of local services behind the LAN port.
The given remote requests will be re-directed to
the local servers via the virtual server. This
section deals with the single port forwarding
mainly. The Single Port Forwarding allows you to
set up kinds of public services such as web
servers, ftp, e-mail and other specialized Internet
applications on your network.
NOTE: the virtual server uses known
host-name or public IP address.
External Port:
This is the external port number
for server or Internet application, for example,
port 21 for ftp service.
Internal Port:
This is the port number of LAN
computer set by the Router. The Internet traffic
from the external port will forward to the internal
For example, you can set the internal port NO.66
to act as the external port NO.21 for ftp service.
IP Address:
Enter the IP address of the PC


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