Saves the new or modified
in the
Schedule Rules List
. When you
are done editing the settings, you must click the
Save Settings
button at the top of
the page to make the changes effective and permanent.
Schedule Rules List
This section shows the currently defined
Schedule Rules
. A
Schedule Rule
can be
changed by clicking the
icon, or deleted by clicking the
icon. When you
click the
icon, the item is highlighted, and the "
Edit Schedule Rule
" section is
activated for editing. After you’ve completed all modifications or deletions, you must
click the
Save Settings
button at the top of the page to save your changes. The
router must reboot before new settings will take effect. You will be prompted to
Reboot the Device
. If you need to make additional settings changes,
. If you are finished with your configuration settings, click the
the Device
The Bandwidth Measurement page uses the Link Layer Topology and Discover (LLTD)
protocol to measure the bandwidth between the access point and LAN or WLAN
devices that support LLTD. LLTD support is included in many end-point devices,
including PCs, Xbox, Ubicom based digital picture frames, Ubicom based routers, etc.
Test Type:
Capacity Test
: Uses packet transit time to measure the latency introduced between
packets, and uses that information to estimate the available bandwidth. The test transmits
small packets at wide intervals to minimize competition with other LAN traffic.
Flood Test: Transmits an increasingly large number of packets to find the point at
which the network starts to drop packets, then backs off and provides an estimate of
the packet rate that is just below the maximum and does not introduce packet loss.
This test will actually compete with other traffic on the LAN.
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