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NB304N – ADSL2+ Wireless N300 Modem Router
NetComm NB304N – ADSL2+ Wireless N300 Modem
DNS Server
DNS (Domain Name System) is an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. Because domain names are
alphabetic, they are easier to remember. However, the Internet is based on IP addresses. Therefore, each time you type a domain
name, a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address.
For example, the domain name might translate to The DNS system consists of a network of
DNS servers. If one DNS server does not know how to translate a particular domain name, it asks another one and so on until the
correct IP address is returned.
If you select the Enable Automatic Assigned DNS checkbox in your WAN service connection, the router will receive and use the
DNS Server assigned by your ISP. The DNS Server configuration page enables you to select which configured WAN Service DNS
option will be used.
To use your preferred DNS servers instead, enable the ‘Use the following Static DNS IP Address’ option and enter in the IP address
of your Primary DNS server. Adding a Secondary DNS server is optional.
Click Apply/Save to save the new DNS Server Configuration settings.
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NetComm NB304N – ADSL2+ Wireless N300 Modem
Dynamic DNS
The router offers a Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) feature. DDNS lets you assign a fixed host and domain name to a
dynamic Internet IP Address. It is useful when you are hosting your own website, FTP server, or other server behind the router.
Before using this feature, you need to sign up for DDNS service providers. The router supports these popular Dynamic DNS service
To delete a Dynamic DNS entry, click the Remove checkbox next to the selected Dynamic DNS entry and click Remove.
Click Add to create a Dynamic DNS setting.
Enter the following parameters:
D-DNS Provider
Select to utilise either the or TZO dynamic DNS service.
Enter your DynDNS hostname.
Select the interface information to update the DynDNS service with.
DynDNS Settings
Enter the account details of your selected dynsmic DNS service.
Click Apply/Save to save the new dynamic DNS service configuration settings.
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NB304N – ADSL2+ Wireless N300 Modem Router
NetComm NB304N – ADSL2+ Wireless N300 Modem
The DSL page allows you to select the modulation, the phone line pair and the capability.
Select applicable DSL service settings required for your xDSL service and click Apply/Save to save the new DSL service settings.
You can also configure the DSL test mode which can improve your DSL connection speeds or throughput. Select the DSL test
mode applicable to your DSL service.
Click Apply/Save to save the new DSL test mode configuration settings.
As part of configuring the DSL test mode, you can also manually select which tone frequencies the NB304N will use when
establishing a connection to a DSL service. Click ‘Tone Selection’ and enable or disable the applicable frequencies. By default, all
frequencies are enabled.
Click Apply to save the new Tone selection configuration settings.
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NetComm NB304N – ADSL2+ Wireless N300 Modem
The NB304N supports UPnP on WAN Services with NAT enabled. Select to enable or disable UPnP support and click Apply/Save
to save the new UPnP configuration settings.
DNS Proxy
The DNS Proxy function enables the NB304N to perform as a forwarding DNS server which an associated DNS Host entry and
Domain name entry. This means you can utilise the default address ‘NB304N’ or ‘NB304N.home’ to access the NB304N
management console.
Enter your selected hostname and domain name for the DNS Proxy function and click Apply/Save to save the new DNS Proxy
configuration settings.
Packet Acceleration
Packet acceleration uses a number of methods to try and reduce the latency experienced on some DSL services. These can range
from utilising locally terminated TCP connections to Fast Connection Setup.
Select to enable or disable Packet Acceleration and click Apply/Save to save the new packet acceleration configuration settings.
Storage Service
The Storage Service options enable you to manage attached USB Storage devices and create accounts to access the data stored
on the attached USB device.
Storage Device Info
The storage device info page displays information about the attached USB Storage device.
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NB304N – ADSL2+ Wireless N300 Modem Router
NetComm NB304N – ADSL2+ Wireless N300 Modem
User Accounts
User accounts are used to restrict access to the attached USB Storage device.
To delete a User account entry, click the Remove checkbox next to the selected account entry and click Remove.
Click Add to create a user account.
Enter the following parameters:
Enter the username to use when accessing the USB Storage device.
Enter the password to use when accessing the USB Storage device. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.
Enter the VolumeName on which the home directory is to be created.
Click Apply/Save to save the new user account configuration settings.
Interface Grouping
Port Mapping allows you to create groups composed of the various interfaces available in your router. These groups then act as
separate networks.
To delete an Interface group entry, click the Remove checkbox next to the selected group entry and click Remove.
Click Add to create an Interface group.


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