This guide consists of seven chapters, including a glossary, and an index. It is organized
as follows:
— Describes the Motorola Netopia® document suite, the purpose of,
the audience for, and structure of this guide. It gives a table of conventions.
Chapter 1, “Overview of Major Capabilities”
— Presents a product description sum-
Chapter 2, “Basic Mode Setup”
Describes how to get up and running with your
Motorola Netopia® Gateway, and the Basic Mode Web-based user interface.
Chapter 3, “Advanced Setup”
— Focuses on the Advanced Setup Web-based user
interface for advanced users. It is organized in the same way as the Web UI is orga-
nized. As you go through each section, functions and procedures are discussed in
Chapter 4, “Basic Troubleshooting”
— Gives some simple suggestions for trouble-
shooting problems with your Gateway’s initial configuration.
Chapter 5, “Command Line Interface”
— Describes all the current text-based com-
mands for both the SHELL and CONFIG modes. A summary table and individual com-
mand examples for each mode is provided.
Chapter 6, “Glossary”
Chapter 7, “Technical Specifications and Safety Information”
A Word About Example Screens
This manual contains many example screen illustrations. Since Motorola Netopia® 2200
and 3300 Series Gateways offer a wide variety of features and functionality, the example
screens shown may not appear exactly the same for your particular Gateway or setup as
they appear in this manual. The example screens are for illustrative and explanatory pur-
poses, and should not be construed to represent your own unique environment.