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Block Services
The Modem can be configured to restrict access to the Internet, email, or other
network services at specific IP and Ports. Restriction can be set for a single
computer, a range of computers, or multiple computers.
For example, to restrict Internet access to a single computer, enter the IP
address of the computer you wish to restrict access to in the IP fields. Next, enter
“80” in both the port fields. Select “APPLY”.
To enable this service, make sure to check “Enable IP/Port Blocking” checkbox.
If this box is unchecked all individual settings are disabled.
MAC Block Services
The MAC address filter is a powerful security feature that allows you to specify
which computers are allowed on the network. Any computer attempting to
access the network that is not specified in the filter list will be denied access.
When you enable this feature, you must enter the MAC address of each client
(computer) on your network to allow network access to each.
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MAC Services Blocking can be set in three modes.
Disable. In this mode, there is no restriction to any device connected to
the Modem whether it is through Wi-Fi or Ethernet ports.
Deny. In this mode, the service table shows the client MAC address
being blocked by the Modem.
Allow. In this mode, the service table shows the client MAC address
allowed by the Modem.
To modify the service table (i.e. to add, change address or remove clients),
there are three buttons underneath the service table: Add, Edit and Delete.
Using these buttons together with the mode selection, users can manage the
MAC address filtering process.
: You will not be able to delete the MAC address of the computer you are
using to access the Router’s administrative functions (the computer you are
using now).
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WAN Setup
Clicking on the header of the “WAN Setup” tab will take you to the “WAN Setup”
header page. From this page, the Modem’s DMZ, Internet Ping and HTTP can
be enabled or disabled.
Enabling the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
The DMZ feature allows you to specify one computer on your network to be
placed outside of the firewall. This may be necessary if the firewall is causing
problems with an application such as a game or video conferencing
application. Use this feature on a temporary basis. The computer in the DMZ
is NOT protected from hacker attacks.
WAN Ping Blocking
Computer hackers use what is known as “pinging” to find potential victims on
the Internet. By pinging a specific IP address and receiving a response from
the IP address, a hacker can determine that something of interest might be
there. The Modem can be set up so it will not respond to an ICMP ping from
the outside. This heightens the level of security of your Modem.
To turn OFF the ping response, select “Not Respond to Ping on Internet Port”
and click “Apply”. The Modem will not respond to an ICMP ping.
HTTP Blocking
To turn OFF the HTTP response, select “Not Respond to HTTP on Internet
Port” and click “Apply”. The Modem will not respond to an HTTP access
HTTP access allows D35 to be configured from the Internet by a
web browser. A username and password is still required to access the Web-
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Management interface. In general, only a member of your network can
browse the built-in web pages to perform Administrator tasks. This feature
enables you to perform Administrator tasks from the remote (Internet) host.
Enabling remote access increases risk of illegal access. Make
sure to change default password if remote access is allowed.
LAN IP Setup
Clicking on the header of the “LAN IP Setup” tab will take you to its header
All settings for the internal LAN setup of the Router can be viewed and
changed here.
1. IP Address:
The “IP address” is the internal IP address of the Modem.
The default IP address is “”. To access the Web Manager User
Interface, type this IP address into the address bar of your browser. This
address can be changed if needed. To change the IP address, type in the
new IP address and click “Apply”. The IP address you choose should be a
non-routable IP.
Examples of a non-routable IP are:
192.168.x.x (where x is anything between 0 and 255), and
10.x.x.x (where x is anything between 0 and 255).
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2. Subnet Mask:
There is no need to change the subnet mask. This is a
unique, advanced feature of your Modem. It is possible to change the
subnet mask if necessary; however, do NOT make changes to the subnet
mask unless you have a specific reason to do so. The default setting is
Use Router as DHCP Server
The DHCP server function makes setting up a network very easy by
assigning IP addresses to each computer on the network automatically.
The DHCP server can be turned OFF if necessary; however, in order to do
so you must manually set a static IP address for each computer on your
network. To turn off the DHCP server, de-select “Use Router As DHCP
Server” and click “Apply”.
Dynamic DNS Setup
Dynamic Domain Name System is a method of keeping a domain name linked to
a changing IP Address. Dynamic DNS lets you assign a fixed host and domain
name to a dynamic Internet IP address. It is useful when you are hosting your
own website, FTP server, or other server behind the Router. Before you can use
this feature, you need to sign up for DDNS service at
, a DDNS
service provider.
Use a Dynamic DNS Service
Check the box to enable DDNS.
Service Provider
Choose your DDNS provider from the drop down menu.
Host Name
Enter the Host Name that you registered with your DDNS service provider.
User Name
Enter the Username for your DDNS account.


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