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ENHWI-2AN3 User’s Manual
Encore Electronics Inc.
Tel – (626) 336-4567
Fax – (626) 336-2345
Web Site –
The LAN Tab is where LAN settings can be changed. If you are an entry level user,
after hooking up the necessary cables, try to access the internet from your computer.
If you can open a website with no problem, leave the settings as it is. If changes
were made, click the
button to save the changed configurations.
IP address: is the router’s LAN manufacturers default IP address (this
will also be the “Default Gateway” IP address of your LAN clients). It
can be change based on your LAN design and configurations. Typical
designs don’t need to change this IP address.
IP Subnet Mask: specifies the Subnet Mask address for your LAN
segment. This is based on the IP address range used.
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ENHWI-2AN3 User’s Manual
Encore Electronics Inc.
Tel – (626) 336-4567
Fax – (626) 336-2345
Web Site –
802.1d Spanning Tree:
This is disabled by default. If 802.1d Spanning Tree
function is enabled, this router will use the spanning
tree protocol to prevent network loops.
DHCP Server
DHCP Server:
This can be enabled or disabled, “Enabled” by default.
Lease time:
Lease time assigned to all IP address by the DHCP server.
Start IP:
This is the first IP address in the IP pool range in which are being
assigned and leased to DHCP clients.
End IP:
This is the end of the IP address pool range
Domain Name:
The Domain Name for the existing or customized network.
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ENHWI-2AN3 User’s Manual
Encore Electronics Inc.
Tel – (626) 336-4567
Fax – (626) 336-2345
Web Site –
This is where to view the current LAN clients that have assigned or leased IP
address by the DHCP server.
This screen also shows all the DHCP clients that are
currently connected to your network. The table shows the assigned or leased IP
address, MAC address and the lease expiration data for each DHCP clients. Use
button to update the available information. Click the
button to get the updated table.
You can click to put a check mark on “
Enable Static DHCP IP
“. It is possible to
add more static DHCP IP addresses. They are listed in the table “
Current Static
DHCP Table
“. IP address can be deleted if wanted to.
Click the
button to save the changes made to the configuration.
Schedule Tab
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ENHWI-2AN3 User’s Manual
Encore Electronics Inc.
Tel – (626) 336-4567
Fax – (626) 336-2345
Web Site –
This page allows users to set up a scheduled function for the Firewall and Power
Saving features of the ENHWI-2AN3 router.
Edit the scheduled function to allow configuration for firewall or power savings
services. Fill in the schedule and select type of service you desired. Click <
to save the
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ENHWI-2AN3 User’s Manual
Encore Electronics Inc.
Tel – (626) 336-4567
Fax – (626) 336-2345
Web Site –
The “Schedule” table screen lists the pre-scheduled services. Select any of the
schedules by using the check box located on the right side of each line to edit or
Delete selected schedule line.
Event Log Tab
On this “Event Log” screen, it displays all events and events information occurred
after the start-up. Scroll down to see more. The Event Log can be saved to the
local file-storage device such as hard disc drive by using the
button, or
the Event Log can be emptied using the
button. Use the
button to reset the Event Log and to get the most updated information. When the
router is powered OFF, the Event Log will be wiped out and will come up empty.
The saved logs can be uploaded and viewed again.


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