Please follow the following instructions to set wired LAN parameters:
Please click ‘LAN’ menu on the left of web management interface, there are
three setup groups here: ‘LAN IP’, ‘DHCP Server’, and ‘Static DHCP Leases
Table’. Here are setup instructions for each of them:
2-6-1 LAN IP section:
Here are descriptions of every setup items:
IP address :
Please input the IP address of this router.
Subnet Mask :
Please input subnet mask for this network.
If you wish to activate 802.1d spanning tree
Spanning Tree :
function, select ‘Enabled’ for setup item ‘802.1d
Spanning Tree’, or set it to ‘Disabled’
DHCP Server :
If you want to activate DHCP server function of this
router, select ‘Enabled’, or set it to ‘Disabled’.
Recommended Value if you don’t know what to fill:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
802.1d Spanning Tree: Disabled
DHCP Server: Enabled