Using the Configuration Menu
Home > VPN Settings > Tunnel > Manual
Remote Subnet
The subnet of the remote VPN gateway’s local network. It
can be a host, a partial subnet, or a whole subnet.
Remote Netmask
The subnet of the remote VPN gateway’s local network.
It can be a host, a partial subnet, or a whole subnet.
Remote Gateway
The WAN IP address of remote VPN gateway.
Local Subnet
The subnet of the VPN gateway’s local network. It can be a
host, a partial subnet, or a whole subnet.
Local Netmask
Local netmask combined with local subnet to form a subnet
Aggressive Mode
Enabling this mode will accelerate establishing tunnel, but
the device will have less security.
Tunnel Name
Current tunnel name.
Remote SPI
The value of the remote SPI should be set in hex format.
Local SPI
The value of the local SPI should be set in hex format.
The set of rules applied when connecting to the VPN gateway.