A maximum of 64 users names are allowed, however each users name must be
Each user name can be used as a group given the password for
example, if the User Name is “Guest” and the User Password is “Guest”
anyone can access DCS-1000 with these details used as a group of users under
the User Name Guest.
The maximum length for the User Name is 12
(Printable ASCII).
User Password:
Enter the user’s password assigned by the administrator.
The maximum
password length is 8 (Printable ASCII).
I/O Output Control:
Administrator has the authority to give permission for the privilege to control
the I/O Output Control to user’s by selecting
to activate the
I/O Output control.
To add a new users name input the necessary information first and click on the
Delete User:
Select the user you wish to delete from the pull down menu and click on the
Important Information
Once administrator has configured DCS-1000 Users, any user will be
required to enter a login password to access the video image from DCS-
The password dialog box is illustrated below.