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Belkin Setup completed installation, but I cannot browse the
Web° The light on the front of my Router is solid amber°
Use the troubleshooting suggestions within Belkin Setup°
If your ISP requires a user name and password, make sure that
you have typed in your user name and password correctly° Some
user names require that the ISP’s domain may be at the end of the
name° Example: “myname@myisp°com”° The “@myisp°com” part of
the user name may need to be typed as well as your user name°
If you have a static connection, your ISP will have
assigned you an IP address, subnet mask, and gateway
address° Please re-run Belkin Setup and enter this
information when a static connection is mentioned°
You may need to configure your Router to meet
the specific requirements of your ISP° To search
our knowledge base for ISP-specific issues, go to:
and type in “ISP”°
If you continue to have no Internet connection, refer
to “Manually Configuring Network Settings” in this
manual for an alternative setup method°
I can’t connect to the Internet wirelessly°
If the light on the front of the Router is solid green, then your
Router is connected to the Internet° You may not be connected
to the Router’s wireless network° Please refer to “Adding
Computers to Your Network” in this manual for instructions°
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I can’t connect to the Internet wirelessly and my
network name is not listed in Available Networks°
Verify that your Router is on and the
front-panel light shows solid green°
If you are far from the Router, you might try moving
closer to see if you might have been out of range°
Using a computer attached to the Router via a network cable,
and ensure that “Broadcast SSID” is ON°
This setting is found on the “Channel and SSID” page°
My wireless network performance is slow, inconsistent,
suffers from weak signal, or I’m having difficulty maintaining a
VPN connection°
Wireless technology is radio-based, which means connectivity
and the throughput performance between devices
decreases when the distance between devices increases°
Other factors that will cause signal degradation (metal is
generally the worst culprit) are obstructions such as walls
and metal appliances° Note also that connection speed may
decrease as you move farther away from the Router°
In order to determine if wireless issues are related to
range, we suggest temporarily moving the computer
within 10 feet from the Router if possible°
Changing the wireless channel—
Depending on local
wireless traffic and interference, switching the wireless
channel of your network can improve performance and
reliability° See the section titled “Changing the Wireless
Channel” for instructions on how to choose other channels°
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I’ve installed this new Router and some of my network clients
(computers, game consoles, etc°) are now unable to connect°
Your new Router came pre-configured with a network name and
password, found printed on an attached card° All clients must use this
network name and password to connect wirelessly to your Router°
You will need to find the network settings on your client, select the
network name printed on the card from the list of available networks,
and enter the password when prompted to join the wireless network°
Limiting the wireless transmit rate—
Limiting the wireless transmit
rate can help improve range and connection stability° Most wireless
cards have the ability to limit the transmission rate° To change this
property in Windows, go to the Windows Control Panel, open “Network
Connections”, and double-click on your wireless card’s connection° In
the properties dialog, select the “Configure” button on the “General”
tab, then choose the “Advanced” tab and select the rate property°
Wireless client cards are usually set to automatically adjust
the wireless transmit rate for you, but doing so can cause
periodic disconnects when the wireless signal is too weak; as
a rule, slower transmission rates are more stable° Experiment
with different connection rates until you find the best one
for your environment° Note that all available transmission
rates should be acceptable for browsing the Internet° For
more assistance, see your wireless card’s user manual°
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Does the Router support Wireless
Protected Access (WPA) security?
The Router ships with WPA/WPA2 security turned on°
Windows XP and some older network hardware may
require a software update to support WPA/WPA2°
I am having difficulty setting up WPA security on my Router°
Log in to your Router by visiting
with your web browser°
Click on the “Login” button in the top right-hand corner of the
screen° You will be asked to enter your password° If you have never
set a password, leave the “Password” field blank and click “Submit”°
Click “Wireless” in the left-hand menu° Then
click “Security” just below that°
Select the “WPA/WPA2” option°
Enter a password° This can be from 8–63 characters of your choice,
including spaces and punctuation, OR a 64-digit hexadecimal
number (using only the numbers 0–9 and letters A–F)°
Click “Apply Changes” to finish° Your wireless
connection is now encrypted° Each computer using your
wireless network will need to use the new key°
If you are configuring the Router over a wireless
connection, you will have to re-connect to the
Router after changing any security settings°
Some older networking hardware supports
only WEP encryption° If your older computers cannot
connect to your network, try 128-bit or 64-bit WEP, or
seek software updates from their manufacturers°
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I am having difficulty setting up Wired Equivalent
Privacy (WEP) security on my Router°
Log in to your Router° Visit
with your web browser°
Click on the “Login” button in the top right-hand corner of the
screen° You will be asked to enter your password° If you have never
set a password, leave the “Password” field blank and click “Submit”°
Click “Wireless” in the left-hand menu° Then
click “Security” just below that°
Select the “128-bit WEP” option°
You may type in a WEP key manually, or generate one from
a passphrase° Type a phrase in the “Passphrase” field and
click the “Generate” button° A WEP key is composed of 26
hexadecimal digits (0–9, A–F
° For example, C3 03 0F AF
4B B2 C3 D4 4B C3 D4 EE 74 is a valid 128-bit WEP key°
Click “Apply Changes” to finish° Your wireless
activity is now encrypted° Each computer using your
wireless network will need to use the new key°
If you are configuring the Router over a wireless
connection, you will have to re-connect to the
Router after changing any security settings°
Some older networking hardware supports
only 64-bit WEP encryption° If your older computers
cannot connect to your network, try 64-bit WEP°


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