Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Enabling/Disabling UPnP
UPnP (Universal Plug-and-Play) is yet another advanced feature
offered by your Belkin Router° It is a technology that offers seamless
operation of voice messaging, video messaging, games, and other
applications that are UPnP-compliant° Some applications require
the Router’s firewall to be configured in a specific way to operate
properly° This usually requires opening TCP and UDP ports, and in
some instances, setting trigger ports° An application that is UPnP-
compliant has the ability to communicate with the Router, basically
“telling” the Router which way it needs the firewall configured° The
Router ships with the UPnP feature disabled° If you are using any
applications that are UPnP-compliant, and wish to take advantage of
the UPnP features, you can enable the UPnP feature° Simply select
“Enable” in the “UPnP Enabling” section of the “Utilities” page° Click
“Apply Changes” to save the change°
Enabling/Disabling Auto Firmware Update
This innovation provides the Router with the built-in capability to
automatically check for a new version of firmware and alert you
that the new firmware is available° When you log into the Router’s
advanced interface, the Router will perform a check to see if new
firmware is available° If so, you will be notified° You can choose to
download the new version or ignore it°