Chapter 5: Configuring the CopperJet
5.15 Configuring Dynamic DNS Client (DynDNS Client)
If some host has a dynamic IP address that keeps changing frequently, it is difficult to
keep updating the IP record that is associated with the domain name of this host in the
zone files. This will result in non-accessibility of this host on the Internet. Dynamic DNS
service allows to keep mapping of a dynamic IP address of such host to a static hostname.
Dynamic DNS services are provided by many websites. The host needs to register with
some website and get a domain name. When the IP address of the host changes, it just
needs to send a message to the website that's providing dynamic DNS service to this host.
For this to work, an automated update client needs to be implemented. These update
clients send update messages to the servers whenever there is some change in the IP
address of that host. Then, the server updates the entries for that host and replies
back with some return code.
To configure the Dynamic DNS Client settings, go to
menu and click on
DynDNS client
. The
Dynamic DNS
page is displayed.
On this page you can see the defined DynDNS interfaces.
To add a new DynDNS interface, click on the link
Add a new dyndns interface…
The Dyndns: Add New Interface page is displayed.
his page allows you to:
This parameter is the interface name of the public interface for
Service Name:
ic DNS service
which this entry defines the Dynamic DNS profile.
This parameter represents the name of the Dynam
provider where you have registered and the type of service. This
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