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Using Network Connections
Coax Connection
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The top part of the screen displays general communication parameters. We
recommend not changing the default values in this section unless familiar with
networking concepts.
Displays the status of the coax connection.
When should this rule occur?
Displays when the rule is active. To schedule
rules, see the “Advanced Settings” chapter.
Select the type of connection being configured from the drop-down
list (options:
Network [Home/Office]
Broadband Connection
, or
Connection Type
Displays the type of connection.
Physical Address
Displays the physical address of the network card used for
the network.
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) specifies the largest packet size
permitted for Internet transmission. “Automatic” sets the MTU at 1500. Other
choices include “Automatic by DHCP,” which sets the MTU according to the DHCP
connection, and “Manual,” which allows the MTU to be set manually.
Coax Link
Set up the coax link options in this section of the Configure Coax screen.
Options include
, and
Select the Channel from the drop-down list (select from 1-6,
or “Automatic”).
Toggle “Privacy” by clicking in the “Enabled” check box. If Privacy is
activated, all devices connected via coaxial cable must use the same password.
We recommend leaving the Privacy option deactivated.
Enter the Coax Link password in this text box.
Select the CM Ratio from the drop-down menu here.
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FiOS Router User Manual
© 2010 Verizon. All Rights Reserved.
Additional IP Addresses
New IP Address
generates the “Additional IP Address Settings” screen,
where additional IP addresses can be created to access the FiOS Router via the
Coax Link Ethernet connection.
Coax Connection Status
Go to LAN Coax Stats
to generate the “Coax Connection Status” screen,
which gives an overview of all the devices connected to the FiOS Router via
coaxial cable.
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Using Network Connections
Broadband Ethernet Connection
© 2010 Verizon. All Rights Reserved.
Broadband Ethernet Connection
A Broadband Ethernet connection connects the FiOS Router to the Internet
using an Ethernet cable. Click
Broadband Connection (Ethernet)
from the
Network Connections screen to generate the “Broadband Connection (Ethernet)
Properties” screen. This screen displays a list of the connection’s properties.
The only modifications that can be made from this screen are disabling the
connection (by clicking
) or renaming the connection (by entering a
new name in the “Rule Name” text box).
If disabling the connection, the FiOS Router must be rebooted for the
change to take effect.
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FiOS Router User Manual
© 2010 Verizon. All Rights Reserved.
Configuring the Broadband Ethernet Connection
at the bottom-right of the first Broadband Connection (Ethernet)
Properties window to generate another “Broadband Connection (Ethernet)
Properties” screen.
The top part of the screen displays general communication parameters. We
recommend not changing the default values in this section unless you are
familiar with networking concepts.
Displays the status of the Ethernet connection (“Down,” “Connected,” etc.)
When should this rule occur?
Displays when the rule is active. To configure
rules, see the “Advanced Settings” chapter.
Select the type of connection being configured from the drop-down
list (options:
Network [Home/Office]
Broadband Connection
, or
Connection Type
Displays the type of connection. Since this is an Ethernet
Connection, “Ethernet” is displayed.
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Using Network Connections
Broadband Ethernet Connection
© 2010 Verizon. All Rights Reserved.
Physical Address
Displays the physical address of the network card used for
the network.
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) specifies the largest packet size
permitted for Internet transmission. “Automatic” sets the MTU at 1500. Other
choices include “Automatic by DHCP,” which sets the MTU according to the DHCP
connection, and “Manual,” which allows the MTU to be set manually.
Internet Protocol
This section includes three options:
No IP Address
Obtain an IP Address
, and
Use the Following IP Address
No IP Address
Select this option if the connection has no IP address. This is
useful if the connection is operating under a bridge.
Obtain an IP Address Automatically
Select this option if the ISP requires
the connection to obtain an IP address automatically. The server assigning the
IP address also assigns a subnet mask address, which can be overridden by
clicking in the “Override Subnet Mask” check box and entering another subnet
mask address. Additionally, the DHCP lease can be renewed and/or released by
clicking on the appropriate “DHCP Lease” button. The “Expires In” value displays
how long until the DHCP lease expires.
Use the Following IP Address
Select this option if the connection uses a
permanent (static) IP address. The ISP should provide this address, along with
a subnet mask address, default gateway address, and, optionally, primary and
secondary DNS server addresses.
DNS Server
The Domain Name System (DNS) is the method by which website or domain
names are translated into IP addresses. This connection can be configured
to automatically obtain a DNS server address, or an address can be specified
manually, according to the information provided by the ISP.
To configure the connection to automatically obtain a DNS server address, select
Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically
from the “DNS Server” drop-down
list. To manually configure DNS server addresses, select
Use the Following
DNS Server Addresses
. Specify up to two different DNS server addresses, one
primary, the other secondary.


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