Chapter 22 Firewall
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
The ZyWALL then sends it to the computer on the LAN1 in
Subnet 1
Figure 222
Using Virtual Interfaces to Avoid Asymmetrical Routes
Configuring the Firewall Screen
Configuration > Firewall
to open the
screen. Use this screen to
enable or disable the firewall and asymmetrical routes, set a maximum number of
sessions per host, and display the configured firewall rules. Specify from which
zone packets come and to which zone packets travel to display only the rules
specific to the selected direction. Note the following.
If you enable intra-zone traffic blocking (see the chapter about zones), the
firewall automatically creates (implicit) rules to deny packet passage between
the interfaces in the specified zone.
Besides configuring the firewall, you also need to configure NAT rules to allow
computers on the WAN to access LAN devices. See
Chapter 17 on page 321
more information.
The ZyWALL applies NAT (Destination NAT) settings before applying the firewall
rules. So for example, if you configure a NAT entry that sends WAN traffic to a
LAN IP address, when you configure a corresponding firewall rule to allow the
traffic, you
need to set the LAN IP address as the destination. See
Section 7.9
on page 139
for an example.