Chapter 7 WAN
NBG-418N v2 User’s Guide
Figure 65
Network > WAN > IPv6 (IPv6 in IPv4 Tunnel)
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 40
Network > WAN > IPv6 (IPv6 in IPv4 Tunnel)
IPv6 Connection
IPv6 in IPv4 Tunnel
is the encapsulation of IPv6 packets in IPv4 packets so that IPv6
packets can be sent over an IPv4 infrastructure.
IPv6 in IPv4 Tunnel Settings
Remote IPv4
Enter the IPv4 IP address of the device on a remote network.
Remote IPv6
Enter the IPv6 IP address of the device on a remote network.
Local IPv4 Address
Enter the IPv4 IP address of the device on a local network.
Local IPv6 Address
Enter the IPv6 IP address of the device on a local network.
IPv6 DNS Settings
Primary and
Secondary DNS
Enter the first/second IPv6 DNS server address assigned by the ISP.
Lan IPv6 Address Settings
LAN IPv6 Address
Enter the IPv6 address for the LAN port in this field.
LAN IPv6 Link-Local
This shows the IPv6 Link-local address in the LAN side. This is used by routers when
communicating with neighboring devices on the same link. It allows IPv6-capable
devices to communicate with each other in the LAN side.i