D-Link VTA User Manual
Appendix A - Troubleshooting
• Many installation issues, such as no dial tone on your telephone or no internet connection
on your computer, can be resolved by resetting all the equipment. First power down in
this order:
1. Computer (shut down properly, it is not necessary to disconnect power to your
2. VTA (unplug power cord from back of device)
3. Router (unplug power cord from back of device)
4. DSL or Cable Modem (unplug power cord from back of device)
Wait at least 30 seconds. Confirm that all the network cables are firmly snapped into the
jacks on all the devices. Then, one device at a time, plug the power back in snugly in this
1. DSL or Cable Modem
Wait for the lights to come back on for power and external network connection before
continuing. Connecting back up to the Internet Service Provider may take several
2. Router
Wait for the lights to come back on for power and status before continuing. Wait at least
30 seconds.
3. VTA
Wait for the power and phone lights to be a solid green. (The Internet light will blink
whenever there is data activity.) At this point, you should have dial tone.
4. Computer
• If you are transferring your phone number from your current phone company to Vonage,
you will be assigned a temporary Vonage phone number. Until the transfer has completed,
most people calling your phone number will ring your old line. They would need to call
the temporary phone number to ring your Vonage phone. However, Vonage customers
calling either your current phone number or the temporary phone number will ring your
Vonage phone.
Note: You will receive email notification from Vonage when the phone
number transfer has completed.
The temporary number will then be terminated.