This screen allows you to set DSL parameters. DSL knowledge is required to configure these settings.
Contact your ISP to make sure that these parameters are correct.
There are 7 modes “G.Dmt”, “G.lite”, “T1.413”, “ADSL2”, “AnnexL”, ”ADSL2+”, “AnnexM”
that user can select for this connection.
Phone line pair
: This is for reserved only. You can choose "Inner Pair" or "Outer Pair".
: There are 2 options “Bitswap Enable” and “SRA Enable” that user can select for this
Bitswap Enable: Allows bitswaping function.
SRA Enable: Allows seamless rate adaptation.
A new technology to control impulse and noise to improve the BER and DSL data quality. Click
Apply to confirm the settings.
to future configure DSL.
Select the Test Mode, or leave it as default.
Tone Selection: This should be left as default or be configured by an advanced user.
The frequency band of ADSL is split up into 256 separate tones, each spaced 4.3125 kHz apart.
With each tone carrying separate data, the technique operates as if 256 separate modems were
running in parallel. The tone range is from 0 to 31 for upstream and from 32 to 255 for downstream