Chapter 3 Configuration
22 WAN
There are two items under the WAN section, ISP and DNS. When you click
, you will get
the following screen.
The factory default is RFC 1483 routed mode. If your ISP uses the same access protocol, please
to input other parameters as below. If your ISP does not use RFC 1483 routed mode,
you can delete it, click
. Then you may click
to create a connection to your ISP to
surf the Internet. Refer to the figure after the RFC 1483 routed mode description below.
Give a name for this connection.
: Enter the information provided by your ISP.
The NAT feature allows multiple users to access the Internet through a single IP account,
sharing the single IP address. If users in the LAN site have public IP addresses and can access
the Internet directly, the NAT function can be disabled.
Encapsulation method
: Select the protocol format, the default is LlcBridged. Select the one
provided by your ISP.
DHCP client:
Enable or disable the DHCP client, specify if the Router can get an IP address
from the Internet Server Provider (ISP) automatically or not. Please click Obtain an IP address
automatically via DHCP client to enable the DHCP client function or click Specify an IP
address to disable the DHCP client function, and specify the IP address manually. The setting of
this item is specified by your ISP.