D3G0804W User Manual
Table 7. Edit Private WiFi Network Configuration Page Options
Private WiFi Network Configuration
Enable/Disable Private WiFi
Enables or disables the Gateway’s private Wi-Fi 2.4/5 GHz band operation.
Network Name (SSID)
Enter a name for the wireless network. The Wi-Fi name will make it more obvious for other devices to know which
network they are connecting to.
Security Mode
To prevent other computers in the area from using your Internet connection, secure your wireless network by
selecting an encryption method from this drop-down list. There are several selections available, including the
following. (
appears next to selections that provide little or no protection.)
OPEN = wireless transmissions are not protected.
WEP = basic encryption and therefore least secure (i.e., it can be easily cracked, but is compatible with a wide
range of devices including older hardware). WEP 64- and 128-bit selections are provided.
WPA–PERSONAL–TKIP (TKIP) = a Wi-Fi standard that is stronger than WEP encryption. This selection uses
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) encryption to provide protection against hackers. If you use WPA, each
device in your wireless network must use the same WPA method and network password, or the network will not
work properly.
WPA2-PERSONAL = several versions are provided. Some use TKIP encryption, while others use Advanced
Encryption System (AES), which utilizes a symmetric 128-bit block data encryption. WPA2 Personal is stronger
than WPA encryption. Each device in your wireless network must use the same WPA method and network
password, or the network will not work properly.
WPA-ENTERPRISE = this option uses WPA and should be used with a RADIUS server connected to the
Gateway. Each device in your wireless network must use the same WPA method and network password, or the
network will not work properly. This setting requires a RADIUS server to be connected to the Gateway.
WPA2-ENTERPRISE = this option uses WPA2 and should be used with a RADIUS server connected to the
Gateway. WPA2-ENTERPRISE supports two encryption methods, TKIP and AES, with dynamic encryption
keys. Select the type of algorithm, AES or TKIP. Each device in your wireless network must use the same WPA
method and network password, or the network will not work properly. This setting requires a RADIUS server to
be connected to the Gateway.
WPA-WPA2-ENTERPRISE = allows your devices to connect using the strongest security option they support,
WPA or WPA2. Each device in your wireless network must use the same WPA method and network password,
or the network will not work properly. This setting requires a RADIUS server to be connected to the Gateway.
Network Password
If you select one of the WEP, WPA, or WPA2 encryption settings, enter the case-sensitive password used for
encryption and decryption. For security, each typed password character is masked as a dot (
). If you specify a
hexadecimal password, use the letters A to F and numbers 0 to 9.
WEP 64 requires a 5 ASCII character or 10 hexadecimal character password.
WEP 128: requires a 13 ASCII character or 16 hexadecimal character password.
Remaining encryption methods require at least an 8 ASCI- character or a 64 hexadecimal character password.
WEP 802.1x
If Security Mode is set to one of the WEP options, use this option to enable or disable WEP 802.1x. WEP 802.1x is
a robust security protocol that uses port control with dynamically changing encryption keys automatically updated
over the network. WEP 802.11x uses a Remote Authentication Dial-in Service (RADIUS) server for authentication
purposes. This server must be physically connected to the Gateway. If you enable this option, set the next three
RADIUS options.
Radius Server IP
If WEP 802.1x is enabled, enter the IP address of the RADIUS server.
If WEP 802.1x is enabled, enter the port number of the RADIUS server.
Radius Password
If WEP 802.1x is enabled, enter the password of the RADIUS server.
Broadcast Network Name
Check to enable broadcasting of the SSID. When wireless devices survey wireless networks with which to
associate, they will detect the SSID broadcast by the Gateway. If enabled, the SSID of the Gateway’s wireless
network will be broadcast wirelessly.