DISCUS™ Multiplay Wireless VoIP AG
(C) (2006) Pirelli Broadband Solutions S.p.A. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary Use Pursuant to Cover Page Instructions.
OGU 930500105-A1
Network Connections Section
No IP Address
: Select 'No IP Address' if you require that your gateway have no
IP address. This can be useful if you are working in an environment where you
are not connected to other networks, such as the Internet.
Obtain an IP Address Automatically
: Your connection is configured by default
to act as a DHCP client. You should keep this configuration in case your service
provider supports DHCP, or if you are connecting using a dynamic IP address.
The server that assigns the gateway with an IP address, also assigns a subnet
mask. You can override the dynamically assigned subnet mask by selecting the
'Override Subnet Mask' and specifying your own mask instead. You can press
the 'Release' button to release the current leased IP address. Once the address
has been released, the button text changes to 'Renew'. Use the 'Renew' button
to renew the leased IP address.
Use the Following IP Address
: Your connection can be configured using a per-
manent (static) IP address. Your service provider should provide you with such
an IP address and subnet mask.
DNS Server.
Domain Name System (DNS) Server is the method by which Web
site domain names are translated into IP addresses. You can configure the con-
nection to automatically obtain a DNS server address, or specify such an
address manually, according to the information provided by your ISP.
To configure the connection to automatically obtain a DNS server address,
select 'Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically' from the 'DNS Server' drop
down menu.
To manually configure DNS server addresses, select 'Use the Following DNS
Server Addresses' from the 'DNS Server' drop down menu. Specify up to two
different DNS server address, one primary, another secondary.
IP Address Distribution.
The 'IP Address Distribution' section allows you to con-
figure the gateway's Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server
parameters. The DHCP automatically assigns IP addresses to network PCs. If
you enable this feature, make sure that you also configure your network PCs as
DHCP clients. Select one of the following options from the 'IP Address Distribu-
tion' combo-box:
DHCP Server.
Start IP Address
: The first IP address that may be assigned to a LAN host.
Since the gateway's default IP address is, this address must be or greater.
End IP Address
: The last IP address in the range that can be used to automati-
cally assign IP addresses to LAN hosts.
Subnet Mask
: A mask used to determine to what subnet an IP address belongs.
An example of a subnet mask value is