Reference Manual for the ProSafe VPN Firewall 25 with 4 Gigabit LAN and Dual WAN Ports
Router and Network Management
202-10085-01, March 2005
VPN Firewall Features That Reduce Traffic
Features of the VPN firewall that can be called upon to decrease WAN-side loading are as follows:
Service blocking
Block sites
Source MAC filtering
Service Blocking
This feature is for Advanced Administrators only! Incorrect configuration will cause serious
You can control specific outbound traffic (i.e., from LAN to WAN). Outbound Services lists all
existing rules for outbound traffic. If you have not defined any rules, only the default rule will be
listed. The default rule allows all outgoing traffic.
Each rule lets you specify the desired action for the connections covered by the rule:
BLOCK always
BLOCK by schedule, otherwise Allow
ALLOW always
ALLOW by schedule, otherwise Block
As you define your firewall rules, you can further refine their application according to the
following criteria:
LAN users—These settings determine which computers on your network are affected by this
rule. Select the desired options:
Any: All PCs and devices on your LAN.
Single address: The rule will be applied to the address of a particular PC.
Address range: The rule is applied to a range of addresses.
Groups: The rule is applied to a Group (you use the Network Database to assign PCs to
“Groups and Hosts” on page 8-3
WAN Users—These settings determine which Internet locations are covered by the rule, based
on their IP address.
Any: The rule applies to all Internet IP address.
Single address: The rule applies to a single Internet IP address.