NetComm NF2 User Guide
System Time
The NF2 router time can be synchronised either to a local PC or using NTP (Network Time Protocol) settings to a standard global
internet time. These settings will affect functions such as System Log statistics, scheduling and Firewall settings
Figure 42: Advanced - Advanced Settings -System Time
Time Zone
Select the GMT offset for your location.
Select an NTP (Network Time Protocol) time server to synchronise to the global internet time with.
Sync with Time Server
Select this button to initiate the router time synchronisation to the specified network time server above.
Sync with my PC
Select this button to initiate the router time synchronization to the computer you are currently logged into the
router with.
Table 28: Advanced - Advanced Settings - System Time
The NF2 has built in scheduling, allowing the router to be switched on or off. This offers a means of parental control. To create a
schedule, ensure the enable Schedule option is selected and press the Add New button.
Figure 43: Advanced - Advanced Settings