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4.6.5 Miscellaneous Items
Remote Administrator Host/Port
In general, only Intranet user can browse the built-in web pages to perform administration task. This
feature enables you to perform administration task from remote host. If this feature is enabled, only the
specified IP address can perform remote administration. If the specified IP address is, any host
can connect to this product to perform administration task. You can use subnet mask bits "/nn" notation
to specified a group of trusted IP addresses. For example, "".
NOTE: When Remote Administration is enabled, the web server port will be shifted to 88. You can
change web server port to other port, too.
Administrator Time-out
The time of no activity to logout automatically. Set it to zero to disable this feature.
Discard PING from WAN side
When this feature is enabled, any host on the WAN cannot ping this product.
SPI Mode
When this feature is enabled, the router will record the packet information pass through the router like
IP address, port address, ACK, SEQ number and so on. And the router will check every incoming
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packet to detect if this packet is valid.
DoS Attack Detection
When this feature is enabled, the router will detect and log the DoS attack comes from the Internet.
Currently, the router can detect the following DoS attack: SYN Attack, WinNuke, Port Scan, Ping of
Death, Land Attack etc.
VPN PPTP/IPSec Pass-Through
Please enable this feature, if you need to establish a PPTP or IPSEC connection that will pass through
this device.
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4.7 Advanced Settings
4.7.1 System Time
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Get Date and Time by NTP Protocol
Selected if you want to Get Date and Time by NTP Protocol.
Time Server
Select a NTP time server to consult UTC time
Time Zone
Select a time zone where this device locates.
Get Date and Time using PC`s Date and Time
Selected if you want to synchronize the router time setting with your connected PC.
Set Date and Time manually
Selected if you want to Set Date and Time manually.
Daylight Saving
Select and configure the daylight saving period to fit the local environment.
Function of Buttons
Sync Now:
Synchronize system time with network time server
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4.7.2 System Log
This page support two methods to export system logs to specific destination by means of syslog(UDP)
and SMTP(TCP). The items you have to setup including:
IP Address for Syslog Server
Host IP of destination where syslogs will be sent to.
to enable this function.
E-mail Alert Enable
Check if you want to enable Email alert(send syslog via email).
SMTP Server IP/Port
Input the SMTP server IP and port, which are concated with ':'. If you do not specify port number, the
default value is 25.
For example, "" or "".
E-mail addresses
The recipients who will receive these logs. You can assign more than 1 recipient, using ';' or ',' to
separate these email addresses.
E-mail Subject
The subject of email alert. This setting is optional.


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