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ADSL2+ offers a doubled frequency range used for down-
stream transmission, and thus double the maximum
bandwidth achievable for downstream to 24 Mbit/s.
ADSL2+ is completely downward compatible, meaning
that terminal equipment compliant with ADSL and ADSL2
can also be operated on ADSL2+ lines, although they can-
not exploit the advantages of ADSL2+.
An ADSL-Controller is an electronic hardware module that
allows a computer to access an ADSL line. ADSL-Control-
lers are stationary equipment, included on internal ADSL
cards (for the PCI bus) or in external ADSL modems (with
USB or Ethernet ports).
abbreviation for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommuni-
DECT is a European standard for cordless telephony which
was drafted by the European Telecommunications Stan-
dards Institute in 1992 and officially adopted in 1992.
DECT defines the air interface between a mobile handset
and its base station, and supports both voice transmis-
sion and data transmission with flexible transfer speeds.
Default gateway
see gateway
abbreviation for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHCP is a protocol for the dynamic negotiation of the op-
erating parameters for the TCP/IP protocol (TCP is a trans-
port protocol based on the Internet protocol). The comput-
ers in a local IP network (DHCP clients) access the DHCP
server as part of their operating systems' start procedure.
The central administration of the TCP/IP operation param-
eters makes it possible to avoid address conflicts caused
by IP addresses accidentally assigned more than once.
DHCP server
The DHCP server assigns each client an IP address that is
has not yet been assigned at the present time. The DHCP
server also informs the client of the IP addresses of the
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DNS server to be used and of the default gateway. In as-
signing the IP addresses the DHCP server selects from a
prescribed range of IP addresses.
abbreviation for Domain Name System
Domain Name Service takes care of determining the IP ad-
dress for a given domain name. This Domain Name Ser-
vice runs on every computer. It accepts the domain name
entered by a user and inquires about the corresponding IP
address at a DNS server known to the service. If a DNS
server cannot answer the inquiry itself, it can inquire
about the IP address (DNS resolution) at other DNS serv-
If the Domain Name Service receives negative information
from the DNS server (domain name not known), it can
send inquiries to other DNS servers it knows or return a
corresponding error message to the user. If it receives the
desired IP address instead, the application can use the IP
address to retrieve the destination desired by the user.
This hierarchical system of DNS servers is known as the
Domain Name System. The addresses of the DNS servers
at which the Domain Name Service is to inquire by default
generally are handed over to the computer by the Internet
Service Provider automatically whenever a connection to
the Internet is established. In local networks addresses
can also be assigned via DHCP. Otherwise they must be
entered manually in the TCP/IP settings of the computer
by the user or the system administrator.
Download designates the transfer of files from the Internet
to a computer.
DSL modem
A DSL modem connects a computer to the Internet via the
DSL line. In contrast to the analog modem, a connection
via the DSL modem does not mean that the telephone line
is busy.
DSL router
A combination of a DSL modem and a router is called a
DSL router.
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abbreviation for Dynamic Domain Name System
DDNS is a service which allows a computer always to be
reached under the same domain name despite constantly
changing public IP addresses. This means the home net-
work can always be reached from the Internet, regardless
of the user’s location. Even private users have an econom-
ical way of placing their own Internet offers on their com-
puter at home.
Every time the Internet connection is established, the In-
ternet provider assigns a new public IP address.
Each time the IP address changes, the current IP address
is transmitted to a special DDNS server. Except for the few
seconds between the cancellation of the old IP address
and the notification of the new IP address, the computer
can always be reached at the selected domain name.
Dynamic IP
A dynamic IP address is an IP address valid only for the
duration of one Internet or network session.
Every computer participating in the Internet must have a
uniquely assigned public IP address. Since only a limited
number of such IP addresses is available, they must be
used sparingly. That is why most of the Internet partici-
pants who dial in to the Internet receive a dynamic IP ad-
dress. They are called dynamic because every participant
receives a new public address that has not been assigned
yet each time he or she dials in to the Internet.
By contrast, dynamic addresses are usually used in local
IP networks because they are easy to handle, and because
using them avoids incorrect IP address entries or uninten-
tional double assignments. The DHCP service is responsi-
ble for assigning unique dynamic IP addresses.
Fixed IP address
Fixed IP addresses are IP addresses which are permanently
assigned to a computer or another device like a network
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Assigning fixed IP addresses makes sense in cases where
a local network has a sufficiently large pool of IP address-
es available, or when a computer is always supposed to
be accessible at a certain address (such as a web server or
e-mail server).
A firewall protects a computer or local network against at-
tacks from the Internet.
Most firewalls work with packet filters, which merely
check the IP addresses and port numbers of incoming and
outgoing data packets and filter the packets according to
prescribed rules.
Some firewalls also integrate additional concepts like IP
masquerading and NAT to decouple data traffic by distin-
guishing strictly between the internal and external net-
Especially effective firewalls go even further, analyzing
and evaluating the contents of the packets and filtering
them according to prescribed rules. Such techniques may
also include a Stateful Packet Inspection Firewall, for in-
Firmware designates software that is embedded in elec-
tronic devices. Firmware is saved in programmable com-
ponents within a device. Through the possibility of updat-
ing the firmware by computer at any time, manufacturers
enjoy great flexibility in reacting to the demands of the op-
erational environment, integrating new functions request-
ed by customers, and eliminating errors discovered after
abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol
The File Transfer Protocol allows files to be exchanged be-
tween two computers operating in the Internet. Data ex-
change takes place via an FTP server and what is known as
an FTP client. The more convenient FTP clients are avail-
able as stand-alone software or are components of some
ISDN data transfer software; simple FTP clients are now in-
cluded in many web browsers.
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Gateway is a general term designating an interface be-
tween two networks. Such a network interface can be real-
ized using a router or a bridge, for instance.
If a computer wants to transfer data packets to a computer
in another network, it must first transmit the packet to the
gateway. To do this, the computer must know the address
of the gateway.
If all packets that cannot be delivered in a local network
always are to be transmitted to their given recipients via
the same gateway, for this purpose the address of the
gateway must be saved as the default gateway in the net-
work settings of the computer.
Such a default gateway for the computer is negotiated au-
tomatically by the operating system or the dialing soft-
ware whenever an ISDN-Controller or ADSL-Controller es-
tablishes a connection to the Internet. If a router is used
for the shared Internet access in a local network, the IP ad-
dress of the router must be entered as the default gateway
in the TCP/IP settings of each computer that wishes to use
the Internet connection. If the TCP/IP setting is configured
by means of a DHCP server, there is no need to enter the
gateway address manually.
abbreviation for High Speed Packet Access
HSPA is a third-generation mobile radio standard further
developed from the the UMTS mobile radio standard.
HSPA provides for throughput rates in the mobile radio
network that are comparable with DSL (3.6 to
13.98 Mbit/s).
abbreviation for Internet Protocol
The IP Internet Protocol is the most important basic proto-
col for the control of data exchange in local networks and
in the Internet. The Internet protocol works without a con-
nection; in other words, data packets are transmitted from
the sender to the recipient without previous consultation.
The addresses of the recipient and the sender in the data
packets are given as IP addresses.


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