IPv6: The New Internet Protocol
Support with the FRITZ!Box
The FRITZ!Box supports DNSSEC queries over UDP.
The FRITZ!Box has a DNS proxy. The computers in the home
network use the FRITZ!Box as a DNS server. The FRITZ!Box for-
wards DNSSEC queries from the home network to the Inter-
net. The FRITZ!Box forwards DNSSEC responses from the
Internet to the home network. The DNSSEC information must
be validated on the computer in the home network. For this
DNSSEC must be supported in the operating system.
Security with DNSSEC
When a home user surfs the web, she or he sends queries to
the Internet by entering URLs in the address line of his brows-
er. A URL is the name of a web site that is easy to remember,
such as
. Every query is sent to the DNS server
first. The DNS server resolves the URL into the corresponding
IP address. There is one unambiguous IP address for every
The home user relies on the authenticity of the IP address re-
turned by the DNS server. Authentic means that the response
is the IP address of the desired web site, and not a faked IP
address that leads to a fake web site. DNSSEC can ensure that
the returned addresses are authentic.
IPv6: The New Internet Protocol
IPv6 stands for Internet protocol version 6 and is the succes-
sor to IPv4.
The FRITZ!Box supports the new IPv6 web protocol and can al-
ready establish IPv6 connections today:
IPv6 support can be switched on in the FRITZ!Box user
interface, in the “Internet / Account Information” menu.
For simultaneous use of IPv6 and IPv4, the FRITZ!Box
supports dual-stack and dual-stack lite. This means that
the FRITZ!Box can communicate with both IPv4 and IPv6
domains in the Internet.