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Unified Services Router
User Manual
Figure 19: PPPoE configuratio n for standard ISPs
Most PPPoE ISP’s use a single control and data connection, and require username /
password credentials to login and authenticate the DSR with the ISP.
connection type for this case is “PPPoE (Username/Password)”.
The GUI will
prompt you for authentication, service, and connection settings in order to establish
the PPPoE link.
For so
me ISP’s, most popular in Japan, the use of “
Multiple PPPoE” is
required in order to establish concurrent primary and secondary PPPoE connections
between the DSR and the ISP.
The Primary connection is used for the bulk of data
and internet traffic and the Secondary PPPoE connection carries ISP specific (i.e.
control) traffic between the DSR and the ISP.
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Unified Services Router
User Manual
Figure 20: WAN configuratio n for Japane se Multiple PPPoE (part 1)
There are a few key elements of a multiple PPPoE connection:
Primary and secondary connections are concurrent
Each session has a DNS server source for domain name lookup, this can be assigned by
the ISP or configured through the GUI
The DSR acts as a DNS proxy for LAN users
Only HTTP requests that specif
ically identify the secondary connection’s domain name
(for example *.flets) will use the secondary profile to access the content available
through this secondary PPPoE terminal.
All other HTTP / HTTPS requests go through
the primary PPPoE connection.
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Unified Services Router
User Manual
When Japanese multiple PPPoE is configured and secondary connection is up, some predefined
routes are added on that interface. These routes are needed to access the internal domain of the
ISP where he hosts various services. These routes can even be configured through the static
routing page as well.
Figure 21: WAN configuratio n for Multiple PPPoE (part 2)
Russia L2TP and PPTP WAN
For Russia L2TP WAN connections, you can choose the address mode of the
connection to get an IP address from the ISP or configure a static IP address
provided by the ISP. For DHCP client connections, you can choose the MAC
address of the router to register with the ISP. In some cases you may need to clone
the LAN host’s MAC address if the ISP is register
ed with that LAN host.
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Unified Services Router
User Manual
Figure 22: Russia L2TP ISP configuratio n
Russia Dual Access PPPoE
For Russia dual access PPPoE connections, you can choose the address mode of the
connection to get an IP address from the ISP or configure a static IP address
provided by the ISP.
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Unified Services Router
User Manual
Figure 23: Russia Dual acce ss PPPoE configuratio n
WAN Configuration in an IPv6 Network
Advanced > IPv6 > IPv6 WAN1 Config
For IPv6 WAN connections, this router can have a static IPv6 address or receive
connection information when configured as a DHCPv6 client. In the case where the
ISP assigns you a fixed address to access the internet, the static configuration
settings must be completed. In addition to the IPv6 address assigned to your router,
the IPv6 prefix length defined by the ISP is needed. The default IPv6 Gateway
address is the server at the ISP th at this router will connect to for accessing the
internet. The primary and secondary DNS servers on the
ISP’s IPv6 network are
used for resolving internet addresses, and these are provided along with the static IP
address and prefix length from the ISP.
When the ISP allows you to obtain the WAN IP settings via DHCP, you need to
provide details for the DHCPv6 client configuration. The DHCPv6 client on the
gateway can be either stateless or stateful. If a stateful client is selected the gateway
will connect
to the ISP’s DHCPv6 server for a leased address.
For stateless DHCP


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