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Unified Services Router
User Manual
Disable Login: Enable to prevent the users of this group from logging into the
devices management interface(s)
Deny Login from WAN interface: Enable to prevent the users of this group
from logging in from a WAN (wide area network) interface. In this case only
login through LAN is allowed .
Figure 88: Group login policie s options
Policy by Browsers
To set browser
policies for the group, select the corresponding group click “
Policy by
”. The following
parameters are configured:
Group Name: This is the name of the group that can have its login policy
Deny Login from Defined Browsers: The list of defined browsers below will
be used to prevent the users of this group from logging in to the routers GUI.
All non-defined browsers will be allowed for login for this group.
Allow Login from Defined Browsers: The list of defined browsers below will
be used to allow the users of this group from logging in to the routers GUI.
All non-defined browsers will be denied for login for this group.
Defined Browsers :This list displays the web browsers that have been added to
the Defined Browsers list, upon which group login policies can be defined.
(Check Box At First Column Header): Selects all the defined browsers in the
Delete: Deletes the selected browser(s).
You can add to the list of Defined Browsers by selecting a client browser from the
drop down menu and clicking Add. This browser will then appear in the above list
of Defined Browsers.
Click Save Settings to save your changes.
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Unified Services Router
User Manual
Figure 89: Browse r policie s options
Policy by IP
To set policies bye IP for the group, select the corresponding group click “Policy by
IP”. The following
parameters are configured:
Group Name: This is the name of the group that can have its login policy
Deny Login from Defined Browsers: The list of defined browsers below will
be used to prevent the users of this group from logging in to the routers GUI.
All non-defined browsers will be allowed for login for this group.
Allow Login from Defined Browsers: The list of defined browsers below will
be used to allow the users of this group from logging in to the routers GUI.
All non-defined browsers will be denied for login for this group.
Defined Browsers :This list displays the web browsers that have been added to
the Defined Browsers list, upon which group login policies can be defined.
(Check Box At First Column Header): Selects all the defined browsers in the
Delete: Deletes the selected browser(s).
You can add to the list of Defined Browsers by selecting a client browser from the
drop down menu and clicking Add. This browser will then appear in the above list
of Defined Browsers.
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Unified Services Router
User Manual
Click Save Settings to save your changes.
Figure 90: IP policie s options
Login Policies, Policy by Browsers, Policy by IP are applicable SSL VPN user
Advanced > Users > Users
The users page allows adding, editing and deleting existing groups. The user are
associated to configured groups
. The lists of available users are displayed in the “List
of Users
” page with
User name, associated group and Login status .
Click Add to create a user.
Click Edit to update an existing user.
Click Delete to clear an existing user
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Unified Services Router
User Manual
Figure 91: Available Use rs with login status and associate d Group
7.1.1 Users and Passwords
Advanced > Users > Users
The user configurations allow creating users associated to group. The user settings
contain the following key components :
User Name: This is unique identifier of the user.
First Name: This is the user’s first name
Last Name: This is the user’s last name
Select Group: A group is chosen from a list of configured groups.
Password: The password associated with the user name.
Confirm Password: The same password as above is required to mitigate
against typing errors.
Idle Timeout: The session timeout for the user.
It is recommended that passwords contains no dictionary words from any language,
and is a mixture of letters (both uppercase and lowerca se), numbers, and symbols.
The password can be up to 30 characters.
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Unified Services Router
User Manual
Figure 92: Use r configuration options
Using SSL VPN Policies
Setup > VPN Settings > SSL VPN Server > SSL VPN Policies
SSL VPN Policies can be created on a Globa l, Group, or User level. User level
policies take precedence over Group level policies and Group level policies take
precedence over Global policies. These policies can be applied to a specific network
resource, IP address or ranges on the LAN, or to diffe rent SSL VPN services
supported by the router. The List of Available Policies can be filtered based on
whether it applies to a user, group, or all users (global).
A more specific policy takes precedence over a generic policy when both are
applied to the s ame user/group/global domain. I.e. a policy for a specific IP address
takes precedence over a policy for a range of addresses containing the IP address
already referenced.


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