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DSA-3100 Airspot Public/Private Gateway User Manual
Figure 4-47
External Web Server
Choose from http or https.
Server IP:
External Web server IP.
Server Port:
External Web server Port number.
Login Page:
Login page location.
Logout Page:
Logout page location.
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DSA-3100 Airspot Public/Private Gateway User Manual
c. Advanced
This feature provides several functions for various network traffic manipulation tasks, including
Port and IP Redirect, Pass Through, Virtual Server, DMZ, Free Surfing Area, Static Route
and Firewall.
1. Port and IP Redirect
Up to 10 sets of traffic redirection criteria could be defined through this interface. Specify the
Service Name to identify the type of traffic.
Clients who try to access a specific destination that matches one of the defined destinations
will be enforced to a matching redirection target. These settings will take effect immediately
after you click the
Port and Destination IP Redirection
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DSA-3100 Airspot Public/Private Gateway User Manual
2. Pass Through
While each client should be managed, it is sometimes desired to have some exception. For
example, servers in the managed network might be given access to the network without user
intervention. To allow some clients unmanaged access, specify their IP addresses or MAC
addresses on the interface. See (Figure 4-49) for a look at the interface. Up to 20 IP addresses
and 10 MAC addresses could be assigned unmanaged access. MAC address format is
Allowing unmanaged access from specific IP addresses or MAC addresses could
introduce security hole.
Figure 4-49
Pass-Through host definition
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DSA-3100 Airspot Public/Private Gateway User Manual
3. Virtual Server
This feature allows you to define up to 10 virtual servers to enable access to servers
connected to Public LAN and Private LAN Port from outside of the managed network.
Depending on the service provided, the service might run on TCP ports, UDP ports or both.
It’s also providing the checkbox to enable or disable for each rule. Changes to the settings of
virtual servers will take effect immediately after you click the
Figure 4-50
Defining Virtual Servers
Each local server connected to Public LAN Port must also be allowed for IP or MAC
address pass-through. Please enter its IP or MAC address via the interface shown in.
4. DMZ
If you have multiple IP addresses available to assign to the DSA-3100’s WAN interface, you
could define up to 10 pairs of Ethernet side (Private IP Address) and WAN side (Public IP
Address). The WAN interface will bind the extra public IP addresses automatically.
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DSA-3100 Airspot Public/Private Gateway User Manual
Figure 4-51
Defining DMZ mappings
5. Free Surfing Area
To allow users access to a few sites before they log in, enter the IP addresses or domain name
of those sites in the Free Surfing Area list. Up to 20 sites could be defined. The Free Surfing
Area feature allows you to provide free services to users. For example, a web site that
provides introduction and guidance for local facilities and routes could be listed in the Free
Surfing Area. Guest users of the network could not access other parts of the network but could
still connect to the Free Surfing Area and get precious information of local facilities. It could
also be used for providing users free experience of the network service. Customers get real
service instead of prepared demonstration.


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