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D-Link DAP-1555 User Manual
Section ² - Configuration
MAC Cloning Mode:
WLAN Card:
Ethernet Client:
Transmit Power:
RTS Threshold:
Short GI:
This feature controls the MAC Address of the Bridge
as seen by other devices (wired or wireless).
If set to
Ethernet Client
, the MAC Address from
the first Ethernet client that transmits data through
the Bridge will be used. This setting is useful when
connected to an Xbox or if there is only one Ethernet
device connected to the Bridge. When multiple
Ethernet devices are connected to the Bridge, it
may not be obvious which MAC Address is being
If set to
Card, the MAC Address of the
WLAN Card (typically written on the back of the
card) will be used. When multiple Ethernet devices
are connected to the Bridge, the MAC Address of
the Bridge will not change.
Set the transmit power of the antennas.
This value should remain at its default setting of 2436. If inconsistent data flow is a problem, only a minor modification should
be made.
The fragmentation threshold, which is specified in bytes, determines whether packets will be fragmented. Packets exceeding
the 2346 byte setting will be fragmented before transmission. 2346 is the default setting.
Check this box to reduce the guard interval time therefore increasing the data capacity. However, it’s less reliable and may
create higher data loss.
Advanced Wireless
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D-Link DAP-1555 User Manual
Section ² - Configuration
Admin Password:
User Password:
Web Idle Timeout:
Enter a new password for the Administrator Login
Name. The administrator can make changes to the
Enter the new password for the User login. If you
login as the User, you can only see the settings, but
cannot change them.
Enter a maximum idle time in which the internet
connection is maintained during inactivity.
This page will allow you to change the Administrator and User passwords. You can also enable Remote Management.
There are two accounts that can access the management interface through the web browser. The accounts are admin
and user. Admin has read/write access while user has read-only access. User can only view the settings but cannot
make any changes. Only the admin account has the ability to change both admin and user account passwords.
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D-Link DAP-1555 User Manual
Section ² - Configuration
Save To Local Hard
Load From Local
Hard Drive:
Restore To Factory
Reboot The Device:
Use this option to save the current access point
configuration settings to a file on the hard disk of the
computer you are using. First, click the Save button.
You will then see a file dialog, where you can select
a location and file name for the settings.
Use this option to load previously saved access
point configuration settings. First, use the Browse
control to find a previously save file of configuration
settings. Then, click the Load button to transfer
those settings to the access point.
This option will restore all configuration settings
back to the settings that were in effect at the time
the access point was shipped from the factory.
Any settings that have not been saved will be lost,
including any rules that you have created. If you
want to save the current access point configuration
settings, use the Save button above.
Click to reboot the bridge.
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D-Link DAP-1555 User Manual
Section ² - Configuration
After you have downloaded the new firmware, click
to locate the firmware update on your
hard drive. Click
to complete the firmware
Once you have a firmware update on your computer,
use this option to browse for the file and then upload
the information into the bridge.
You can upgrade the firmware of the Access point here. Make sure the firmware you want to use is on the local hard
drive of the computer. Click on Browse to locate the firmware file to be used for the update. Please check the D-Link
support site for firmware updates at You can download firmware upgrades to your hard drive
from the D-Link support site.
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D-Link DAP-1555 User Manual
Section ² - Configuration
Device Info
This page displays the current information for the DAP-1555. It will display the LAN and Wireless information.
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