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6.5 Quality of Service
To display the QoS function, you need to enable the QoS feature in the WAN Setup.
Choose Add to configure network traffic classes.
The following screen will be displayed:
See below
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The screen creates a traffic class rule to classify the upstream traffic, assign queuing
priority and optionally overwrite the IP header TOS byte. A rule consists of a class
name and at least one condition below. All of the specified conditions in this
classification rule must be satisfied for the rule to take effect. Click 'Save/Apply' to
save and activate the rule.
Traffic Class Name
Enter name for traffic class.
Enable Differentiated Service
Enable Differentiated Service Configuration if
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Assign ATM Transmit Priority
Select Low, Medium or High.
Mark IP Precedence
Select between 0-7. The lower the digit shows the
higher the priority
If non-blank value is selected for 'Mark IP
Precedence' and/or 'Mark IP Type Of Service', the
corresponding TOS byte in the IP header of the
upstream packet is overwritten by the selected
If Differentiated Service Configuration
checkbox is selected, you will only need to assign
ATM priority. IP Precedence will not be used for
classification. IP TOS byte will be used for DSCP
IP Type Of Service
Select either: Normal Service, Minimize Cost,
Maximize Reliability, Maximize Throughput,
Minimize Delay
If non-blank value is selected for 'Mark IP
Precedence' and/or 'Mark IP Type Of Service', the
corresponding TOS byte in the IP header of the
upstream packet is overwritten by the selected
If Differentiated Service Configuration
checkbox is selected, you will only need to assign
ATM priority. IP Precedence will not be used for
classification. IP TOS byte will be used for DSCP
Assign Differentiated Services
Code Point (DSCP) Mark
Choose the required DSCP value. Default value is
Mark 802.1p if 802.1q is
enabled on WAN
Select between 0-7.
Specify Traffic Classification Rules
Enter the following conditions either for physical LAN/Wireless port or for IP level,
SET-1, or for IEEE 802.1p, SET-2
Physical LAN Port
User can select from: ENET, ENET(1-4), USB,
Wireless or Wireless_Guest.
User can select from: TCP, TCP/UDP, UDP or ICMP.
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Source IP Address
Enter the source IP address.
Source Subnet Mask
Enter the subnet mask for the source IP address.
Source Port (port or
Enter source port number.
Destination IP address
Enter destination IP address.
Destination Subnet Mask
Enter destination subnet mask.
Destination port (port or
Enter destination port number.
802.1p Priority
Select between 0-7.
Traffic Class Name
Enter name for traffic class
Select Low, Medium or High.
IP Precedence
Select between 0-7. The lower the digit shows the
higher the priority
Mark IP Type Of Service
Select either: Normal Service, Minimize Cost,
Maximize Reliability, Maximize Throughput,
Minimize Delay
Physical LAN Port
User can select from: ENET, ENET(1-4), USB,
Wireless or Wireless_Guest.
User can select from: TCP, TCP/UDP, UDP or ICMP.
Source IP Address
Enter the source IP address.
Source Subnet Mask
Enter the subnet mask for the source IP address.
Source Port (port or
Enter source port number.
Destination IP address
Enter destination IP address.
Destination Subnet Mask
Enter destination subnet mask.
Destination port (port or
Enter destination port number.
802.1p Priority
Select between 0-7. The lower the digit shows the
higher the priority
If the
Enable Differentiated Service Configuration
box is ticked (i.e. selected)
the following screen will be displayed:
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The additional Items are explained here.
Assign Differentiated Services
Code Point (DSCP) Mark
The selected Code Point gives the
corresponding priority to the packets that
satisfies the rules set below.
Source MAC Address
A packet belongs to SET-1, if a binary-AND of
its source MAC address with the Source MAC
Mask is equal to the binary-AND of the Source
MAC Mask and this field.
Source MAC Mask
This is the mask used to decide how many
bits are checked in Source MAC Address.
Destination MAC Address
A packet belongs to SET-1 then the result
that the Destination MAC Address of its
header binary-AND to the Destination MAC
Mask must equal to the result that this field
binary-AND to the Destination MAC Mask.
Destination MAC Mask:
This is the mask used to decide how many
bits are checked in Destination MAC Address.


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