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Available Accessories
Calix offers the following accessories in order to complete your installation:
Indoor UPS, 12 VDC with power cord. Available in US, UK, European Union,
Australia/New Zealand, and Brazil power plug configurations.
Signal cable (from UPS to GigaCenter). Available in connectorized 3 foot (1 meter) and
10 foot (3 meters) lengths (both ends). Available in 20 foot (6 meters) length with
connector on the GigaCenter end only.
Indoor power cord (No UPS configuration). Available in 6 foot (1.8 meters) length,
adapts 110-240 VAC to 12-15 VDC. Available in US, UK, European Union,
Australia/New Zealand, and Brazil power plug configuration ([2 x 4] 8-pin on
GigaCenter end).
Tools required
3/8-inch (1 cm) drill (for drilling the mounting holes)
Drill bits appropriate for fasteners of choice
Wire strippers
Utility knife, box cutter (for unpacking)
#1 Phillips head screwdrivers
Fiber splicing tools
Fusion splicer for fiber optic cable
Carpenter’s level
Optical Time Domain Reflectometer calibrated for 1310nm (Transmit) and 1490nm
Additional Supplies Needed
Mounting screws suitable for use with the material that you are attaching the GigaCenter
Electrical tape
Assorted tie wraps (for securing cabling)
TexWipe™ Alco pad for fiber cleaning (TX806)
Texwipe™ cloth for fiber cleaning (TX304)
SC-APC patch cord (pigtail) connector to connect fiber from the NID or LCP to the
Plastic Structured Wiring Enclosure push-pins for attaching Fiber Management Tray to
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Chapter 2
Connectorized Installation
Unpacking the GigaCenter
Each GigaCenter is shipped individually in its own carton and contains the following:
(1) GigaCenter (any one of four different models)
(1) Power Adapter interface cord (wall wart)
(1) Integrated Fiber Management Tray (splice tray)
(1) Tabletop Mounting Stand
(1) 800G Consumer Guide
(1) Fiber Access Cover Screw
(2) Product Identification Labels with Login Credentials
After opening the carton, remove the protective packaging, ensure all components above are
present, and prepare for mounting the unit.
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Installation Variables
Before installing the GigaCenter, consider what additional services may be implemented.
Various access points are available on the back of the unit which may or may not be used.
Prior to determining the unit's final location, you need to account for the following variables:
Where will the telephone lines be routed?
Where will the Ethernet cables be routed?
What type of building material is used on the home? Make sure you have the appropriate
drills, drill bits and fasteners for routing subscriber services and/or power cables as they
pass through walls and the like.
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Tabletop Mounting the GigaCenter
Calix GigaCenters can be mounted on a tabletop in a "tower" configuration using the
tabletop stand shipped with the product. Keep the following information in mind when
considering tabletop mounting:
Due to the likelihood of having exposed fiber on the tabletop, Calix recommends
connecting the unit to the GPON network using a shielded 5mm fiber pigtail with an SC-
APC connector on each end.
Due to component placement inside the chassis, do not install the GigaCenter on a
tabletop surface without using the tabletop stand.
Locate the GigaCenter on the desktop in a location that is unlikely to be bumped or
Make sure that service wiring attached to the GigaCenter is secured properly and has
minimal sharp bends.
For RF capable units, make sure that undo stress is avoided when installing any coaxial
cables to the F-Connector on the GigaCenter.
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