N+ Wireless Modem Router
Table of Contents
192°168°x°x (where x is anything between 0 and 255)
10°x°x°x (where x is anything between 0 and 255)
2° Subnet Mask
There is no need to change the subnet mask° This is a unique, advanced
feature of your Belkin Router° It is possible to change the subnet mask
if necessary; however, do NOT make changes to the subnet mask
unless you have a specific reason to do so° The default setting is
3° DHCP Server
The DHCP server function makes setting up a network very easy by
assigning IP addresses to each computer on the network automatically°
The default setting is “On”° The DHCP server can be turned OFF if
necessary; however, in order to do so you must manually set a static
IP address for each computer on your network° To turn off the DHCP
server, select “Off” and click “Apply Changes”°
4° IP Pool
The range of IP addresses set aside for dynamic assignment to the
computers on your network° The default is 2–100 (99 computers)° If you
want to change this number, you can do so by entering a new starting
and ending IP address and clicking on “Apply Changes”° The DHCP
server can assign 100 IP addresses automatically° This means that
you cannot specify an IP address pool larger than 100 computers° For
example, starting at 50 means you have to end at 150 or lower so as not
to exceed the 100-client limit° The starting IP address must be lower in
number than the ending IP address°
Changing LAN Settings
All settings for the internal LAN setup of the Router can be viewed and
changed here°
1° IP Address
The “IP address” is the internal IP address of the Router° The default IP
address is “192°168°2°1”° To access the advanced setup interface, type
this IP address into the address bar of your browser° This address can
be changed if needed° To change the IP address, type in the new IP
address and click “Apply Changes”° The IP address you choose should
be a non-routable IP° Examples of a non-routable IP are: