I can’t connect to the Internet wirelessly, but my network name
is listed.
If the name of your network is listed in the “Available Networks” list,
please follow the steps below to connect wirelessly:
Click on the correct network name in the “Available
Networks” list.
If the network has security (encryption) enabled, you will need to
enter the network key. For more information regarding security,
see the section entitled “Securing your Wi-Fi Network” in this
User Manual.
Within a few seconds, the tray icon in the lower, left-hand
corner of your screen should turn green, indicating a successful
connection to the network.
I can’t connect to the Internet wirelessly, and my network name is
not listed.
If the correct network name is not listed under “Available
Networks” in the wireless configuration utility, please attempt the
following troubleshooting steps:
Temporarily move your computer, if possible, five to 10 feet
away from the Router. Close the wireless
configuration utility,
and reopen it. If the correct network name now appears under
“Available Networks”, you may have a range or interference
problem. Please see the suggestions discussed in the section
titled “Placement of your Router for Optimal Performance” in
this User Manual.
Using a computer that is connected to the Router through a
network cable (as opposed to wirelessly), ensure that “Broadcast
SSID” is enabled. This setting is found on the Router’s wireless
“Channel and SSID” configuration page.
If you are still unable to access the Internet after completing
these steps, please contact Belkin Technical Support.